So I (36M) was in a McDonald’s drinking a coffee and minding my own business. Two girls in their twenties come in and sit at a table close by.

I turn my head in their direction and one of them smiles at me (brunette) and I smile back. The girl who smiled at me says something that I can’t hear to the other one (blonde) after which she looks at me and also smiles, however while brunette’s smile seemed genuine, blonde’s felt forced. Upon this brunette says ‘can we sit with you?’, I don’t even have a chance to reply as they just get up and sit at my table.

This somewhat startled me and made me a bit mistrustful, that’s definitely not something that happens often.

When they sit there I notice they carry an almost empty bottle of vodka which they continue to sip from. (I don’t think they drank it all, they weren’t wasted, just a bit drunk). Anyway I make casual conversation with them and it was alright I feel relaxed and not anxious (I have mild social anxiety). But blonde (drunkenly) starts acting weird and saying stupid shit (At some point she asked how many times a day do you take a shit? And says ´you look like you want to take a shit right now’). She also at some point mockingly imitates me and repeats what I say. This started to make me somewhat uncomfortable and my SA starts to creep up.

Brunette was chill and friendly though, but casually looking at her phone’s screen I notice she is on a text conversation with someone and she had taken my picture and sent it to whoever she was chatting with. This made me even more uncomfortable.

Blonde asks if we can make a TikTok, I wouldn’t mind normally but at this point I’m somewhat uncomfortable so I don’t quite like that, but she just gets up, points the camera at all three of us puts on some music and dances, brunette also dances (sitting), I awkwardly move my arms to the music but it’s clear I’m not at ease. She posts her TikTok.

They continue just chit chatting with each other and sometimes with me but at this point I’m already quite uneasy so I’m not saying much.

The bottle is empty now, blonde asked if I she can borrow money from me to buy more alcohol and says she would send me money after (via something similar to Venmo, we’re not in the US). I decline and then after a few more minutes they get up and brunette says ‘we’ll be back we’re going to buy more booze’. I just say I’m leaving and that was that.

What do you think about this, just two bored drunk girls fooling around? Or they were just hoping they could get some free booze from me? It just all so very bizarre to me.

  1. >What do you think about this, just two bored drunk girls fooling around? Or they were just hoping they could get some free booze from me?

    Yes and yes.

  2. One time I was taking a 15 minute break behind my office building and these two ladies come up to me and say something like, “Let me ask you something, what do you think about this wig?” Then they show me the wig for my opinion, like I know anything about wigs? I was a white dude in my thirties.

    Anyways, those two girls were drunk and bored and wanted some booze money, but were going about it in a really lazy way.

  3. Who cares what they were thinking? And how can you possibly know unless they tell you? The important thing is you were getting weirded out. And you eventually did what you should’ve done a little earlier which is dipped.

  4. > blonde asked if I she can borrow money from me to buy more alcohol

    Yup. Bored and want attention / money / to make fun of you.

    You said “my SA starts to creep up”. IMO, that’s not “social anxiety”, that’s **normal and healthy anxiety that tells you “this situation is not good for you”**. Anxiety is not always wrong. In this situation, it’s there to protect you. They just **wanted to take advantage of you, and you realized** but weren’t sure enough. So it’s good you talk this through with other people. And you don’t need to agree to some bullshit tiktok vid, either.

    “Social anxiety” as a classification for your feeling is for situations when you **feel** anxiety but are socially safe, in a situation where the people around you mean well (or at least no harm) and are nice to you.

    This situation, however, WAS a situation where people were just plain trying to take advantage of you.

  5. Two cute, drunk girls in their twenties hung out with you for a bit and you’re wondering why it was not fun.

    It’s because they were drunk and in their twenties. You didn’t find their antics cute and charming, you found them annoying. Because you’re 36.

  6. Even the most socially adept person will be freaked out in such a situation. My condolences for having to deal with such a bizarre situation.

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