I (f) am a lifelong LL. It has caused issues in most of my relationships. The problems have been so frustrating that I always promise I will address it ahead of time next time.

I am starting to talk to someone I am interested in, so here I am. What’s the best way to handle this?

I can’t figure out timing. We’re only just talking still–do I bring it up right away? Later? After we’ve already had sex?

Also, what are even the potential solutions to this? Is it just unfair to my partners for me to even get into relationships? I don’t think I would do well with an open relationship, but sometimes I think that it’s the only fair thing for me to offer.

I have a strong sex drive early on, and then it dies out completely, and then men are pretty caught off guard.

  1. My last girlfriend, after we had sex the first times (and it was damn good),I told her I had one good shot a week. I might could do 2, but one good shot.

    Communicate it. Once it matters. But also hold back, try to offer what you will continue to offer

  2. Took me a minute to figure out what you mean by LL. Might want to clarify that in the future.

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