I don’t have sex very often, generally about once every three months.

Each time i go in extremely horny, but i fail to find the entertainment or enjoyable aspect of the of the kissing, sex and general intimacy.

Almost always, I find that during the intercourse, i’ve lost attraction to the girl i’m with (even if they are very attractive), and that i am just there for her satisfaction, or just to tick the box. Often when i have these feelings I will struggle to finish – and so to me it becomes a chore instead of something that is enjoyable.

These sexual experiences lead to me believe that i’m averse to any kind of intimacy – even though my conscious mind feels like i should enjoy it


Does anyone else have these same feelings, or have any advice?

1 comment
  1. May I ask, how much porn do you watch on any given day? And specifically, how much porn do you masturbate to?

    Might not apply to you, but there’s a very clear link between porn consumption and the inability to remain ‘present’ in the moment. Thoughts?

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