What’s a fear you have that people around you don’t know?

  1. My card not working after several swipes and taps while there’s a line of increasing agitated people behind me.

  2. That I feel like shit most of the days. But, like. It will pass so why bother them with my crap.

  3. I’m scared of the ocean and ESPECIALLY scared of the ocean at night.
    I been on boats and cruises and you can’t see shit out there at night like it’s pitch fucking black. Like imagine just being floating out there in the pitch black and not knowing what’s around you or under you? Bro fuck that shit

  4. That I have downs syndrome and nobody has told me out of sympathy.

    It’s not logical I know but I have anxiety and in 10th grade some girl asked me if I have down syndrome and I think she meant autism which it turns out I do have but I’ve honestly had nightmares about it around once a year since.

  5. Images on my food.
    acrylic text or images on tshirts, unless I’m allowed to be turned on by it in which case 🥵

  6. Am a nurse, I have a fear of medicine. Like even touching a tablet or capsule ungloved can give me anxiety if I don’t immediately wash it off afterwards. Luckily it is getting better and I’m starting not to care as much, but there’s always that freak out in my head whenever I’m prepping to hang an IV bag and accidentally get some on my arms or scrubs while priming the tube.

    It doesn’t stop me from doing my job, but it’s probably something that most people wouldn’t think I deal with since medication admin is a big part of nursing.

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