Hey guys, I never post on reddit so I hope someone can help me here.

I gave my girlfriend oral for the first a month ago and I realized the morning after in the mirror later I had a green tongue. I’m assuming it was related to the oral. However, I was able to wash it and it never came back green. There was never pain, there was no sore throat. This makes me wonder, was it just a buildup of bacteria and it grew green over a few hours because I didn’t wash it?

I’m hoping to get some opinions on this. I didn’t tell my parents because I don’t think they’ll be very happy with me for doing that with her and I don’t want to be unable to see her in the future.

The uncertainty has led me to be extremely paranoid for my health, wondering if it was something crazy like a sign of oral cancer or something, although I know this is unlikely because it happened after I did oral for the fist time and there hasn’t been any green tongue, pain, swelling, or sore throat at the time, any any day since.

Is the green tongue just stemming from bacteria and nothing more serious a possibility? Thank you so much to anybody who sees this and responds with insight.

  1. Does it itch at all? It might be oral thrush. I doubt it’s related to having had oral sex.

  2. The only explanation that fits your description of how quickly it happened and how quickly it went away is that you ate something green.
    There’s several diseases and bacterial infections that can all cause a green tongue. They all require medical treatment and won’t go away simply by brushing your teeth once.

  3. So most likely cause is something you ate, other than your girlfriend. Oral cancer and bacterial/ fungal infections that can cause discoloration take way longer to cause symptoms and don’t go away by brushing your teeth.

    That said, you’re young if you are worried about your parents. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and your future. Be discriminate about your partners so you are not thinking “oh do I have an STD” the next morning after sex or oral sex. Use condoms and dental dams.

    Dental dams are harder to come by, but most public schools give out condoms. Planned parenthood does too and maybe even dental dams.

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