What experience do men and women share that are exactly the same regardless of gender?

  1. The pain of stepping on a Lego or an electrical plug. Bonus points if it’s exactly in the arch of your foot.

  2. Mental illness. It varies person to person but it’s not about gender. Maybe society treats it differently based on gender but it can happen to anyone.

  3. Foul public toilets. It’s not all perfume and rose petals in the girls loo like they’d have you believe just because they have to sit down.

    It’s piss and shit everywhere just like ours, but they’ve added bloody period priducts and blocked sinks with wodges of paper. You’ve got nothing to be proud of, girls.

  4. That first sip of coffee in the morning, when suddenly you don’t want to see the earth erupt in a fire storm

  5. Money issues/poverty is one that effects both.

    Loneliness in the younger generation seems like another sadly.

    Self worth issues and the pressure society puts on them. Whether it’s beauty standards for women or how young men are expected to be ultra successful men. You can see the effects both of these standards are having on young men and women and their self worth. Seeing women getting depressed and upset trying to be one of those super models whilst men getting angry and depressed trying to be a super successful dude. Not realising that only a tiny amount of women and men can be those things and that being who they are really isn’t that bad.

    I get being a better version of yourself but I take that as being a better person in a moral upstanding person sense. Not bettering yourself by stressing yourself by trying to look like a model or trying to be as rich as Jeff Bezos

    Here’s a big one: How both women and men issues are downplayed by others by people coming in saying “WE HAVE IT WORSE!!!”. INSTEAD OF WHINING ABOUT WHO HAS IT WORSE. CAN WE JUST LISTEN TO EACH OTHER AND HELP

  6. We are all at our most comfortable the moment the alarm clock goes off and we realize we have to get up.

  7. if i had to guess probably being in a bathroom stall and someone starts shaking the door

  8. This thread is like ordering a sandwich and instead of telling them what you want, you begin to list everything you don’t want on it.

    Women experience nearly everything the same as men do; the commonalities far exceed the exceptions. We are… human beings.

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