This happens with a lot of people that happen to know me, and I have kind of an idea why (I have a resting bitch face), but I’ve started to feel a little self conscious about it lately. There is a girl that I like who will sometimes make the same kind of joke where she imagines me being mean to her. The other day she was blocking me to reach for something, and she joked “You know, it’s okay to tell me to get the fuck out of your way. I understand.” Normally I shrug that sort of thing off but I just responded saying “I don’t have any reason to be mean to you like that.” Another time, I was listening to someone talking and one of my friends just mentioned that I looked like I wanted them to stop talking, because I apparently looked uninterested. It was a joke of course, and I always look uninterested in anything.

Whenever something like this happens, it makes me wonder if people truly think that I dislike them or that I have some intrusive thought that I’m holding back from them that might match what they’re seeing from me. Aside from that, these kinds of jokes seem kind of awkward. Why might someone do this? Are they looking for reassurance from me or is it just the irony of it, given that I’m not a mean person otherwise?

1 comment
  1. Well, it’s just the visualization honestly. As you said, you have a face that looks mean. And you know how us people are, we usually base people on appearance. Just continue not noticing them and they’ll get use to it. If you are at the point of being bother by those types of jokes. It’s either you confront them or (not really worth a bother to do this) you could make yourself look abit happier.

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