The situation i’m referring to is this:

I’ve been mountainbiking with a group of ppl for a few weeks now. It’s this organized event that i decided to join, since i’ve always wanted to try smth that looked “cool” to the general public. Probably has smth to do with looking up to ppl that do that in the first place.

Anyway, up till this point i’ve been a complete rookie. i mean a complete, absolute NOOB at it. Since the v first week up till this moment, i’ve done nothing but fall off or wobble on my bike and make dumb mistakes. The group responded to this by “laughing” at me, ‘laughing’ in quotations since it wasn’t audible but you could definitely see on their faces they took the piss on me and thought i was a joke and that they were much better than me. My instructor helped me a lot by taking me aside and making me do basic exercises till i finally got the hang of it.

This situation is where my question boils down to:

Eventually they put up this obstacle course, they put down 2 planks to practice balancing; a thin metal object (general) and a wide wooden plank (beginner). The group switched between those while i just practiced the wide plank. It took a few tries but once i got it down i noticed a few ppl from the group just watching me.
Moving on to the thin metal object i tried a few times, but got it down the second try….and the group just fell silent, everyone was watching me but didn’t say a word…

So my question is what goes on in people’s mind in those moments? Were they impressed or shocked or smth? Would seem so since they were taking the piss on me beforehand, right?

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