Like are you just keeping us on standby in case someone else you matched with ends up doing the same to you?

  1. Because they aren’t interested and couldn’t be bothered pressing another button. Either way they aren’t interested so move on

  2. Unfortunately I do think that’s what happens. Remember this: if someone is interested you, they’ll make it known. If they wanted to, they would. If they were that interested, you’d be going on a date with them

  3. Some people have a weird sense of values. It’s rude to unmatch, not rude to ghost.

    Nothing’s stopping you from hitting that unmatch button.

  4. I don’t get this either. They match with you, you say “Hey, how are you?” Or ask them some other question and no response.

    Why do people waste my time and their own time like this?

    Somebody explain Please

  5. That is exactly why they do that. If there’s one thing that dating apps have shown us, it’s that no matter what you can always have the next best thing available at your fingertips. Dating apps have completely changed what people should look for in a relationship.

  6. No, I’ve just taken up chatting with other guys who I like more and have forgot you existed. I didn’t even mean to ghost you. You sent a message and I just didn’t reply in the moment and then never thought of you again. Ghosting indicates an intention to ignore you, but there is no negative intent toward you . . . I’m just not thinking about you at all. I only bother to unmatch if someone has offended me or the pic causes me pain.

  7. People don’t use this shit to actually date anymore, that’s the real truth.
    Women use it for validation and entertainment while men try to actually meet these women who never have any intention on doing so.
    They match as a compliment, not to actually meet or see where things could progress. Therefore, ghosting isn’t an issue for them, plain and simple. (Not to mention they have 1000s of opportunities from thirsty idiots that you’ll never have)
    The ones who actually reply to text are men pretending to be women who quickly get into financial conversations with you and want your advice on what to invest in, which leads to you discussing finances, which them leads to them wanting money from you or to invest in their crypto shit, which is just their wallet.
    Otherwise, it’s a front to advertise for their onlyfans page.
    Small possibility she’s a hooker or it’s a setup to rob you.
    Any of these things are more likely than a female actually wanting to meetup for any type of date.

    Good luck, it’s real fun out there!

  8. More than a quarter of y’all downvoted. Looks like I struck a nerve calling out immaturity lolz.

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