So my (20M) girlfriend(21F) and i are currently long distance and have been since December, not seeing each other since then except for a visit in February and try to call once/twice a week. Point is I think that in person and long distance I’m a good boyfriend: I listen to her intently, i shower her with adoration and affection, i’ve gotten her gifts, etc. And in person she’s a great girlfriend, i feel loved and appreciated with her, it’s a great relationship. but when we’re apart it genuinely feels like she doesn’t care about me; beyond just not responding to texts or whatever it seems like it’s a chore for her to talk to me. I know that she has “non-standard” views on affection and stuff, like she doesn’t like to feel like she has to say “i love you.” This really has been stressing me out bc i don’t know why i’m in a relationship where I don’t feel loved or appreciated but then she’ll do or say smth so sincerely lovely and i’ll remember. i’ve tried talking to her about it before and she seemed to understand but it didn’t stick so i brought it up again and i thought it was a really productive conversation for both of us, but apparently not bc it’s still the same sorta deal. it’s a bit better i think but still not great, so idk advice ig? thanks a lot.

  1. A long-distance relationship is hard, but it does work if both people make an effort. My wife and I used to be in long-distance relationships before we got married. During our time apart, we were always texting back and forth and face time every night (sometimes multiple times a day). Perhaps when you have the chance to talk to her on the phone, ask her why she didn’t respond to your text. It only takes a few seconds to respond.

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