So me and my family have our family vacation once a year but this year we decided to invite my gf (22) and my brothers gf (17). During this week my brother was hospitalized with a life threatening ear infection, so everyone was extremely worried and stressed out. Normally my gf is social and talks to everyone but because of the hospitalization of my brother she became very distanced and felt like she didn’t belong here, half way through the week my biological mother decided to come down and see my brother (I dont have the best relationship with her but I understand why she came). My gf and i have been together for 3 years and throughout those years i have let her in on information about my childhood trauma with my mother, so she wasn’t too keen on the fact that she was taking our room to see my brother, so i asked her if maybe her grandparents (who were also in Florida) maybe had room for us to go there for a couple days, turns out they didn’t so now she was telling me that she wanted to just go home, so an argument broke out but was ended quickly through talking it out. My father and step mom took this as a huge disrespect and have now banned her from our household, they had a huge conversation with me saying how she is not right for me and that she is crazy, previously to this vacation everything was fine, so now im conflicted on what to do and i need advice…

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