How do you feel about texting a girl you are dating throughout the week? How many texts seems “needy”? Also if you don’t initiate a text convo do you expect the girl to or do you just not want to talk?

  1. I don’t want to text because it’s not a good form of communication. I’d rather just call and talk to them. I want to hear their voice and actually get to know them. Texting creates an environment rife with misinterpretation and I don’t want to start off with bad communication.

  2. girls are different. You gotta observe and adapt. If you’re texting twice as much, or twice as often, or text back in half the time you gotta tone it down.

    Similarly, if you’re not keeping up you gotta do more.

  3. As long as you have something to say, text as much as you want. Just don’t text shit like, “How come you didn’t respond to my text in the last 30 minutes?” As a general rule, send your text(s) and wait for a response for 24 hrs. Once you get a response, you can send more and restart the clock. Proceed to do other things in your life so you aren’t sitting by your phone waiting for them to text you.

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