What makes your brother the best brother ever?

  1. My brothers are average and kind of manipulative.

    The eldest is the man up kind of older guy, solve everything by telling everyone they’re too sensitive or to man up.

    Middle brother has anger issues and we can barely talk without him talking down to me in anger if he had a bad day

    Sometimes i think good people only exist in TV lol

  2. His banter. His only 11 years old and he can already banter with the best of them.

    Also some of the things he says and comes out with is straight Savage and funny.

    I love my bro. He makes me laugh constantly

    My normal greeting towards my brother will be jokingly saying “Oh god…. You” or “Who left this idiot here” and he will quickly comeback with something just as nasty but we know we are just kidding around.

  3. He’s very academically driven. As in he proactively does a lot of academic stuff like extracurricular activities or study new shit. He made it into MIT with a full paid scholarship.

    My other brother is very social as far as I know. Apparently, he doesn’t have trouble with Tinder and can hit up chicks with “Hey”.

  4. He gave me the courage to believe in myself and to be able to move across the country and live my life how I want to live.

  5. Probably the most good hearted man I’ve ever known. 6 years older than me but growing up he always hung out and did stuff with me when we were younger from doing lemonade stands in the summer, backyard baseball/basketball, playing Nintendo 64 or even bringing me along with his friends sometimes. A lot of my interests growing up and even now were influenced heavily by him from music, working out, mma and food. This dude even got a bachelor’s degree while being homeless at times to take on a lot of school debt to help my dad out which he shouldn’t have. He would give advice and was always fair to me I can’t remember a time he was ever an asshole to me. He’s always been a protector and acted like a 2nd dad since ours was always too busy dealing with his batshit ex gf and his own crazy mistakes. I feel bad for him at times cuz he had to do all that and was robbed of his teenage years/early twenties. His only weakness is he doesn’t take risks but considering our unstable childhood I understand. I only get to see him now maybe once a year or every other year but I really do miss him and wish we could hangout more or at least video chat more often but he’s terrible at checking messenger plus time difference where we live.

  6. he’s my best friend, confidant, funny, excellent listener, brilliant, driven, caring, and honest. love my brother to death, I hope everyone finds a brother they love in this life or any other

  7. I like that my brother has drive and motivation. Besides that I don’t like them. One hates me and is obsessed with following the rules, the other cares about getting money and sex a lot more than how to get it ethically

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