I (20M) recently have been sexually active with my girlfriend (21F). I’ve noticed a pungent smell coming from her vagina that vaguely resembles dried salted fish except it is noticeably unpleasant. It isn’t revolting, just unpleasant.

I’ve only had two sexual experiences with her so far, one when she just showered a couple hours prior, and another after being out the entire day in hot humid weather. Both times, they smelled the same.

We were both our first sexual partners so I’m concerned because I don’t know how a vagina is supposed to smell like. I am aware that a healthy vagina is supposed to have a musky scent which isn’t unpleasant, but I find hers to be unpleasant.

How do I know if I’m just bothered by the smell of a perfectly healthy and normal vagina, or if she actually has an infection like BV that she is unaware of? How do I bring this up with her in a respectful and accepting manner? I love her very much and don’t want to scare or embarrass her unnecessarily. Any advice?

  1. She might have a infection infection or you just gotta take a shower before with her happen to me to many times but when I had told her to wash she went psycho mode on me

  2. Could be the natural smell, or just be the smell of urea. If she peed any time after showering, some can linger. If she has burning and itching then it’s probably an infection but the smell alone could be normal.

  3. There is no easy way to bring it up to her. No matter how nice you are about it she’s bound to feel embarrassed. It’s possible she has an infection, but she would or should be aware if she does and should not be having sex if that’s the case. If there isn’t a medical issue it could be her natural scent, which she doesn’t have much control over. You could try some stuff at the sex store that has flavor, like edible panties. But this might not be a long term solution. Give it time, you may even get used to it! But either way, talk to her in the most sensitive and respectful way about it. Good luck✌

  4. I’m sorry but absolutely no women’s vagina should smell naturally fishy. She more than likely has an infection or doesn’t wash properly, that’s coming from another woman. Sometimes vaginas can give off a strong scent during sexual arousal or even more so in general but NEVER fishy.

  5. Probably the best way to approach a conversation about this is to be gentle but honest and objective as possible. Something along the lines of, “there’s no easy way to talk about this, but I wanted to bring it to your attention because I’m concerned about your health.” Then tell her the truth, exactly as you’ve done here.

    It will probably be embarrassing for a bit no matter how you word it, but I think she would rather know than have you continue suffering in silence. And if she really does have a health condition, I’m sure she’ll be grateful to have the chance to get things sorted out.

    It’s like when you tell a person they’ve got something stuck in their teeth. They’re probably going to be a bit embarrassed, but also glad that someone was kind enough to not let them keep walking around looking ridiculous.

  6. There’s smells from inside the vagina and outside the vagina. Outside smells, urine, sweat, etc. can be taken care of with a wash meant for that area. Smells from inside area different kettle of fish if you will. They need a gynecologist that knows and cares how to treat odors to fix.

  7. No easy answer here. Suggest taking a shower together as part of fore play. Washing each other, including your public areas. It can be very erotic and arousing as well as an opportunity to check things out. It can be very difficult to bring up potential issues like this no matter how long you have been in a relationship with someone.

  8. Ask her when she has visited her gynaecologist the last time. It doesn’t necessarily must be from her being unfaithful or so, but she could have some infection, for example from too much sugar(?). I think it’s fair to say it gently, yet honestly. Support her, stand by her, but visit the gynaecologist. And use condoms meanwhile. I wouldn’t be giving her a head meanwhile btw.. those things are not comfortable, but very important to be solved – sooner the better, for everyone.

  9. Sounds very much like BV. Ask her if she’s been having more watery discharge than usual as that’s another indicator. It’s only the Ph levels of the vagina getting messed up, so it’s easily treated and not contagious

  10. I would like a woman to answer this question but how do you not know your vagina smells like fish? The whole room can smell it why not you?

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