I’ll start:

We were at a friend’s place a few blocks away when what turned out to be an earth-shattering shit began to develop. I walked there but as I felt it coming on, I thought if I left right then I should make it home. I. Was. Wrong. Maybe 1/3 of the way home all of a sudden it was clear the shit was coming, and it was coming now. I found someone’s front yard with a couple of trees, dropped my pants, and proceeded to take the absolute worst dump I’ve ever had. I wiped with the boxers I was wearing and threw them out in a garbage can up the street. This was over 10 years ago and the memory is still fresh in my mind; the smell and consistency will be forever seared in my brain.

  1. I had ate an entire white castle crave case on a dare.

    About an hour later we went out to the bar and it was *packed*. The urge hit, there was no waiting.

    Barely make it to the restroom and there’s only one stall. Open the door and its *covered* in puke. Again can’t possibly wait so wiped the seat as best I could and did what I needed to do, feet stuck in a puddle of vomit.

    When I left the stall people assumed I had done the puking and someone told the bouncer and I got thrown out of the bar for trashing their bathroom.

  2. Was balls deep in her… She wrap her legs around me… At this point, pulling out wouldn’t even cross my mind…
    We are now some years down the road, with a kiddo.

  3. When my girlfriend got an abortion. I would have taken the kid and she could have been as little or as involved as she wanted.

  4. Had a female friend, just friends, no romantic interest. I was not attracted to her at all, but she was a cool friend. We both grew up in the burbs.

    I had gotten an apartment in the city and she wanted to know what the city night life was like. Sure. She took the train in, then we’ll take the L to a bar/club, and have some fun. She could spend the night so she doesn’t get a DUI going home. Then I would drive her back to the burbs the next morning.

    When we got back to my place after the night, she would not let me sleep. I gave her my bed while I slept on the couch. She would come out of the room and instigate a pillow fight, more than once. I just want to sleep.

    She made it clear she wanted sex and I wasn’t going to be allowed to sleep until I satisfied her. I didn’t enjoy it. I had no interest in her at all. I just wanted to go to sleep, but *”I had no choice.”* The drive to her home the next morning was awkward.

    A couple weeks later I met up with friends that included her. The friends gave me shit about “how I did her dirty.” I never wanted to sleep with her in the first place. That is why I slept on the couch.

  5. [TW: female on male sexual assault/rape]

    I was raped on my 20th birthday. She said I could tell, but that no one would ever believe me because of who she was and the kind of person I was. She was mostly right. Even she didn’t believe me in the morning because she was blackout drunk when it happened and couldn’t remember any of it.

    But the very few who actually did? They were awful, saying things like how lucky I was and how it was just a well because her being shitfaced was the only way I’d ever land someone as hot as her. I was freaked the fuck out because she was drunk and this was 1997 and I believed the law would not have been kind to me manhandling her to the degree I would have needed to in order to get her off of me, even if I was physically capable of it, which I’m not sure I was. She did what she wanted and my body reacted the way any 20 year old male having his first sexual experience would be expected to.

    As you can tell, I’m 25 years on and it still has me a bit fucked up in the head, especially being on top of a lot of other traumas from my youth.

    Time, reflection, therapy, and forgiveness* were what it took me to get as far away from it as I have, but I will never be completely over it.

    * forgiveness for myself as well as everyone else involved. It may not have been my fault, but I did bear some responsibility in the situation.

  6. How about the reluctant fight.

    Was walking home after a night of drinking with a few friends. One of my friends who was almost literally the last guy you’d want to fight while sober was blackout drunk and just laying into people walking the streets. Me and other guys were keeping him out of trouble until 2 of them stopped to take a piss in a park. Then this group of dudes showed up that wouldn’t back down after telling them my buddy is drunk. Two of them come at us, my friend goes down with the first punch and I’m pretty sure he didn’t feel it until the morning. I was drunk, but not so drunk to be unable to handle myself. I got clocked a couple times before getting a guy to the ground. I’d have probably got the shot kicked out of me by the other guy at that point, but my other two buddies emerged from the bushes and he ran off.

  7. My ex and I got into an argument, she left without telling me, ignored my calls and texts, then came home at 7 am smelling like alcohol and sex…I broke up with her on the spot and kicked her out the next day…I planned on spending my life with her, we had a life together, an apartment, a dog etc. and a lot of men probably would have stayed but fuck that! I kicked her ass out and started the grieving process…

  8. A lot of these comments in here are serious but I have a story I think may lighten the mood.

    Old u/awhiteasscrack has been in a dry spell the past couple of years.

    I matched with a girl on a dating app and while she was a little bit fluffier than my usual type I thought why the hell not just go out on a date.

    So we went on one date and she was cute enough, had a big rack(my Weakness) and go out separate ways.

    We end up meeting up that next week after some steamy texts and hooking up at her place.

    I will summarize the event as follows.

    -I was already mildly attracted to her, but when we started making out she was such a bad make out. I was debating getting up and leaving.

    -but I went to her bedroom anyway.

    -subsequently every article of clothing I removed off of her made things worse and worse. Not only was she clearly becoming more and more not my type… but her bodily appearances was not well kept. Some rashes, lots of hair…

    -I ended up face to face(head between her hairy thighs) with the ugliest, hairy, discolored vagina I have ever seen and at that point… I had no choice…. I had to eat that thang out! It tasted normal I will add.

    I could go on and on, and I got a decent BJ out of it, but god damn it has been like a year now and I still get the shivers every once and a while randomly thinking about it.

    My friends love baking me about the story

  9. Went on a few dates with a girl. One day she tells me she’s engaged to a man over twice her age. I was so angry. I figured she didn’t love him, so I decided I’d try to get in her pants as a way of exposing her sham arrangement. We ended up having an affair for over two years. Before the marriage she told me if I wanted to marry her she’d call it off. I really cared about her, but I couldn’t trust her, so I let her go. No choice. Was almost seven years ago and it still stings.

  10. School trip to Italy. It was very hot and the teachers and been drilling it into us to stay hydrated.

    On our way around the Vatican I realised I was too hydrated. Never needed a piss so badly before or since, it was starting to come out so I just went where I was. I did a huge horse piss over one of the columns about half way down on the left looking top down, all over the Vatican.

    Not my finest moment.

  11. Was walking home from the pub in broad daylight in the pouring rain with people. I was dying for a pee but didn’t have anywhere to go that would be conspicuous, pressure got to much and I pissed myself but my trousers were so soaked from the rain that nobody noticed that I was urinating. I went home and changed but the rain really saved my pride!

  12. I took two of my friends my cousin and one of his friends to a party. For some reason while my cousin is near passed out drunk, I mean he can’t stand up and I carried him out to my car, his friend starts beating him and he’s not even awake at this point in the beating. I was out grabbing my friends telling them its time to leave when it started. When I got back to my car to leave his friends crew was stopping me from breaking it up and the next thing I know the party stopped because I got in my backseat and pulled out a large flashlight. Before I could get in to start fighting my friends stopped me because they noticed someone had a gun and a 1 vs 20 is already dumb. So my friends held me back until it was done and I got him to the hospital after. It was hard to watch.

  13. Done many bad things where I thought “I had no choice”. But now realize there was always a choice. I don’t wish to incriminate myself on Reddit

  14. Having to pull out of a burning building without finding the reported missing person because we were on the verge of heat exhaustion and my low pressure whistle was blowing.

    Or, a few years before, in a different career, giving up a search for missing aircrew from a nearby base because the maximum expected survival time had long since elapsed and our units were required elsewhere. We’d had to call off many searches before, but the aviation community here is not particularly large and I knew some of them.

  15. 4th of July party this past summer. 25 beers. I fell asleep and halfway through the night I woke up with an extreme urge to shit. I was in a garage and couldn’t find the bathroom, so I ran outside and shit for a solid 15 minutes next to his garbage can. (Outside)

    Then, in the morning when everybody’s cleaning up the fireworks and throwing them out they’re walking past my humongous doodoo pile. That was super weird.

  16. Dating and living with a woman with BPD. She came home drunk and started flipping her shit. Screaming, crying, falling down… the whole production. She was trying to pack a suitcase and leave me in the middle of the night to go wander the streets even though she couldn’t even stay upright in our apartment. When I gave up trying to stop her and laid down, she started hitting me. Over and over. Must have gone on for 10+ minutes. If I left, she’d just follow me around and hit me. I just took it. After all, men don’t hit women. That’s just the way it is. I didn’t want to leave the apartment to get away from her because I didn’t want to let her destroy my stuff or something.

    Eventually, she punched me in the mouth and I just couldn’t take it anymore (I’m terrified of having my teeth knocked out). I hit her back in the arm. I had no choice. It wasn’t as hard as I could, but hard enough to convey the point “I could hurt you really bad. Stop fucking with me.” She fell to the floor and had herself a little “How could he do this to me?!” party. This exact scenario played out twice. Only two times I’ve ever gotten aggressive with a partner. I’m surprised I didn’t end up in prison over that shit. I’m sure I’ve been described as her abusive ex to everyone she’s met since.

  17. Similar story i was vacationing at my grandparents and all the bathrooms were occupied so my 7 year old mind convinced me to take a shit in the backyard. My cousin ends up telling my grandfather and no lie I go my ass whooped for a week straight. No sleep or anything. Whenever he saw me he would just black out lol. I deserved it

  18. Not my story but went drinking with my friends and LM We just got done with work and we’re in a different country(Spain) where we went to the nice bar with expensive drinks before we went to the American bar with cheap drinks.

    Well most of us didn’t pregame we wanted to start slow and finish strong but LM didn’t get the message. He was we’ll pass drunk when we got to the first bar. Half way through his second gin and tonic his eyes get wide and heads straight to the bathroom. Here’s the problem. There’s only a urinal in the men’s bathroom and the women’s was occupied. So what does LM do? Unloads the largest semisolid shit I wish I hadn’t seen. He tried flushing it, cleaning it with paper towels. I was going to go after him and I just see the mess. He looks up at me like a deer in headlights and says we gotta go… NOW. I’ve been back a couple times but i don’t think LM has. I can’t look at that bathroom or the bartender the same.

  19. I showed up pretty late to a rambunctious party. There was this one guy pressuring people to do dumb shit. Everyone knows at least one guy like this, I am sure. Well, he had half a fifth of Jack Daniel’s. He kept pressuring people to down it. Well, I was the only sober one there, so i figured I would catch up.

    That should have been enough, but he came back with some tequila, and I chugged it, too. I don’t know how much. I sat in that chair talking and joking for a few hours. Never felt a thing until after midnight, and they talked about getting food. I was hungry and tried to stand up.

    Yes, I ended up puking a lot. Yes, I regret it. I did earn my respect, and that guy never questioned me again.

  20. I got dumped and lost my job. Decided to switch to plan B, as plan A had completely collapsed. Plan B was go to college. I like to take things apart, very curious how things run, I’m pretty good at math so I try an engineering class, and another, and another. End up getting a degree in engineering, meet a gal and get married. We buy a house, have kids…all because I got dumped and lost my job, I had no choice but to try another plan as the rug got pulled on the first one.

  21. I went on a kayaking tour of some offshore islands with some friends. We ended up on a slightly deserted island with an empty house. I felt the call of nature, went to some bushes and wiped away the subsequent catastrophe with the smoothest rock I could find. It stung my butt from being in the sun, but the shrubbery looked very scratchy.

  22. My 2nd child, I forget how old, probably 1ish, squirmed in my arms in a way that I can only describe as impossible.

    I had something in my other hand and as she squirmed, she toppled out of my arms. She was going to the floor head first. Absolutely nothing I could do to prevent her falling. So I used my leg/knee to try and deflect the fall so she’d bounce off of the folding table next to us, hopefully lessening the overall impact.

    I did succeed, however her head struck the hinged corner and she had a bruise like a golf ball.

    It’s as horrendous as it sounds. I had microseconds to act and still believe I made the right choice, but it was a shit choice to have to make. Let her fall on her head or try and make her fall less hard.

  23. I was dating a girl who liked to experiment with drugs together. We came from the same hometown but I lived about 5 hours away. Our relationship was on a slow decline and we had an argument about her extensive drug use (I tried to keep the drugs casual, every now and then type of thing). She decided to make it up to me by driving out to where I lived. It was fine at first until I realized while talking to her on the phone that she was zooted out and driving under the influence. She got pulled over because her engine started smoking so I asked her to let me speak with the cop. I told him she was in no state to drive so she got arrested.

    I really had no choice. If I didnt snitch on her, she could have gotten hurt or hurt someone else. I felt really guilty at the time but I feel as if it was the right choice to make. Afterwards, we went our separate ways. Shes clean and happy now so good for her.

  24. Turning down a child begger in publix I felt really bad but I only had 20 dollars and wasn’t going to use my credit card to buy grocery since I’m still making payments on it still felt bad but than again I didn’t have a choice I only had 20 dollars

  25. I was… fooling around with a friend I thought I could trust to be vulnerable with. So we were making out, things got heated, and it got to the point that he said, “C’mon, just one pump.” I kinda got scared. Usually when that happens, I laugh to shake off the uneasiness. But that time, my voice grew small but I still said, “No.” It may have been soft, but I was clear. I said no. He didn’t care. He had his way. I could’ve broken away, but I was paralysed by the shock that this *dude*, someone I thought was my best friend, didn’t care. When I rode the train home that night, I felt like garbage. But I tried to act like it didn’t hurt. Tried to pretend things were normal. But they weren’t. Not anymore. Because after that, I went through a long period of self-destruction to “regain control” of the situation. Who was I fooling? I nearly said goodbye without a word. All because I was made to feel that I had no choice.

  26. Union rep at work girl was being stalked by a very creepy guy who I correctly guessed was a sex offender. Boss says its not his problem tells her to fuck off. I got her statement got her paid and transfered. 8 months later supervision job comes up I dont get interviewed. I was told ” I’m a waste of time” a liar ” not a team player”. The guy who got hired had less schooling, less time on the job, and I trained him. I knew by doing what i did I fucked myself but as a person I did the right thing.

  27. College football practice. Had been drinking with the team the whole last night. Field was muddy as it had rained all week. Shit my pants after a tough OL drill. Dove into a puddle ass first to cover it up. Not my proudest moment

  28. 8 years old, with my dad as he’s getting his car serviced. The auto shop was a 45 minute walk from our house so he figured it would be a fun father/son trip and we got to walking. About 1/3 into the walk I start to feel the intense urge of needing to shit. Halfway there and I cannot hold it anymore.

    We were walking in a neighborhood and there was a women outside of a house watering the plants. My dad walks up and asks her if I could please use her bathroom, as I was getting desperate. She explains she’s just a maid but I begged her and she agreed to let me go in and use the restroom real quick.

    I hobbled to the bathroom, and as I walked up to the toilet I felt it starting to go. I couldn’t stop it, and I just released. Right there. In the bathroom. Staring at the toilet. I was so embarrassed and gross I sat in the bathroom with crap all over my pants for as long as I could until my dad finally knocked on the door and asked if I was okay.

    I told him no and he came in to find the mess. He surprisingly wasn’t mad, just helped me clean up, called my mom who came and picked us up, and apologized profusely to the maid. Luckily the mess was mostly all over me and the bathroom seemed okay. He told me about the time he couldn’t hold it while at the beach, and we had a nice bonding moment. Any time I drive by that house (I live somewhat close to it still), I have that memory.

  29. This is the first time I’ve recounted this event… for a very long time. So… back in 1998, some friends and I decided that it would be a good idea to try amature mountain climbing. We went to a spot that already had pitons in place, we thought we were prepared, and we tied off on each other for safety. Long and short… things went bad. I was joined to my buddy Ted and I we were making our way up the mountain when one of the spikes failed. Ted was behind me, and I was nearly pulled off the mountain when he lost his support. I held on as best I could, but I was in a really bad spot. Ted was just hanging there totally suspended and inable to grab at anything. I’ve never seen so much fear and sadness in a man’s eye’s before that day. Nobody could hear us, there was no help, we were fucked. I clung to rock with everything I had but… as time passed, the situation got worse and worse. Ted and I talked the whole time, he asked me to do what I did. In the end, I know he was right, but to this day… I hate the choice I had to make. I can still hear the sound of my knife as it set open, I can see the fray of the rope, the sound of Ted hitting the rocks below. He didn’t scream, but the thud was unlike anything you could imagine. I know that I had no choice, but it still doesn’t feel right.

  30. Received pot in the mail in Iraq and they put it in a jar of peanut butter. Do you know what happens to peanut butter in the desert…. It turns to oil, and that oil seeped through the plastic bag which soaked the weed. I had no choice but to smoke it and it tasted exactly like peanut butter but was harsh AF

  31. so, my ex flipped out on me because she thought inwws cheating and talking to another girl… when it was indeed my own cousin. i said its my fucking cousin uve met her like 100 times look!

    didnt see it coming, she cracked me in the nose. ive broken my nose before so i was like fuck not again. she wound up to swing again, i caught it. tried with the other arm, blocked it, and just pushed her as hard as i could i in the middle of her chest… she flew across the floor and the barstoolesque kitchen table fell on top
    of her.

    grab my stuff and leave and i tell her… you swing at me again, im gonna hit you like a fucking man. this is your warning. and left her.

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