I’ve been talking to this girl on tinder and it has been going well. It’s a one sided convo for sure, but she seems to be enjoying it to a certain extent and even have me her number when I asked. Anyways, I gave her options on things we could do and she said that she liked one. I said “great, what is your schedule like?” She said “hmm” and hasn’t texted me back since yesterday afternoon. (This has all happened in a two or three day span.) We really haven’t talked too much in the grand scheme of things. She had left me on delivered once before but the convo picked right back up after I texted and waited for a day. Help?

  1. I would move on, which I know isn’t the answer you want. She’s not enthusiastic and you’re the one carrying the conversation. She isn’t worth the energy.

  2. this is the whole problem with tinder dating. She loves having a few boyfriends who are just like you, calling her to meet. Most likely, you needed to get to know each other better, and then propose a date. Guys are very often in a hurry with a date. And by the way, this girl showed psychological pressure on you, that is, she agreed to meet with you and then got cold.

  3. Move on. If she is interested in you, she would be enthusiastic to talk and meet.

    Her giving her number (which, in my opinion, is bold this early on) does not equal interest.

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