I know its bad for being jealous, wont/dont need comment on that. Thanks.

Feel pretty left behind with the whole friendships side of life. Im here watching and hearing the GF with the endless list of friends throughout the day. How they check up on each other back and forth or interact in some way.

I try with people to be interested in they lives and check in on tbem. But i find over time its only ever 1 sided. So i turn around and stop the effort. It discourages me to go out of my way anymore to find new people.

Not sure if this is a rant or if im looking for advice. Advice is welcome though.

  1. try to develop friendships through hobbies, in my opinion those lasts the longest compared to those friendships developed by situation e.g. a few classes with this person. you’ll be able to hang out with them doing what you love together and make your friendship stronger 💪, it’s more likely they’ll check up on you as well. i wish you the best OP!

  2. You’re checking in with people who are either acquaintances or at best casual friends. She clearly has quite a few besties or a solid friend network. That’s something to work toward developing. And you don’t need a big network. Even one or two good friends makes a huge difference!

    Yes you can make friends through hobbies, classes, interests, adult recreational sports, work, political group, volunteer work, adult ed classes etc.

    The key is to go to these things with the idea of striking up REGULAR conversations with people and building a rapport. Then after a few weeks you need to (and this is KEY) INVITE them to do something with you OUTSIDE the place where you know them from. That’s what gets friendships started.

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