Hi I’m a 26M dating a 28F
should you apologize to your significant other if you made a small joke but it got interpreted way out of proportion?
Let me elaborate In the past I made a very light joke about my girlfriend insinuating that she was planning to have sex with another due to their conversation getting spicy. She did not like it and i apologize and promise to not do it again.

yesterday i was talking about my drinking habit, i usually drink some liquor at the end of the week because I’m usually stressed but not in an exaggerate way enough to get a bit drunk but not too deep. She expressed her worries and she told me I’m too young to drink. I understand that she is worried but i hated the way the said . I send her a text about it telling that i was not ok with how she expressed her worries but i forgive her because she wasn’t deliberate.
She still refuse to apologize and say she’s right.

Usually I’m very calm and introverted but i believe that if I do not talk about it now it could be way worse if she does that in front of friends.
What do you think
EDIT: i told her and she said she doesn’t see what wrong in her way of saying it . In my country it’s common to say that to friends like saying ni**a between black people . I do understand her point but i don’t want this kind of language with the person I’m interested in. We had to argue for 2 full days and then she apologized.

I’m sensing Red flag what do you think?

  1. She wasn’t joking though and is serious. She doesn’t have to apologise for expressing something she’s genuinely concerned about that could definitely be a problem. I don’t agree with the way she phrased it, but it’s concern she has and I don’t think she should apologise for said concern

  2. You are feeling that way because she wasn’t expressing concern she was belittling you saying you’re “too young” when you’re obviously a grown man who can make his own decisions and is legally and socially not too young at all.

    She should apologize because it was a very rude, borderline controlling thing to say rather than an expression of worry that was focused on the negative impact of drinking.

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