I’m 15 (male), I have social anxiety & clinical depression, I started seeing a good therapist last month.

I want to know what are the habits I can do consistently to improve my social life day by day. A quick look at my post history and you’ll see more than one long post about my social struggles, this is not one of those long posts. I want to prove the people that think nothing of me wrong by drastically improving my life in all areas.

Any Advice?

1 comment
  1. I wouldn’t necessarily look at the general, ‘how do I improve this or that’, but perhaps pick apart the problem piece by piece. What exactly do you think are the triggers to your anxiety, or perhaps what exactly leads to negative social experiences for you? Once you have them laid out, what to do you think can solve those problems, what causes them? Many causes of your social anxiety are solved by confidence. For example, in areas of large people you may feel like everyone is staring at you, judging you for being so weird. In reality, no one is noticing you most likely, and when a social interaction occurs, you let these things in your head can affect what could be a normal interaction.

    In summary, tackle the issue in small conquerable pieces, much like any large problem. The question of just ‘how can I become better socially’ is much to vague and generalized advice can possibly do more harm than good.

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