How do you feel when a girl you are not committed to asks you to send a picture of yourself with no shirt?

  1. That she see me as an object and I will not participate in that.

    Just kidding bam here you go i better get at least a booty pic in return

  2. girlgamer039: send a picture of yourself with no shirt

    bloodninja: I put on My Robe and Wizard Hat

  3. I rejoice lmao i look amazing w/ no shirt. It basically triples my chance to eventually smash

  4. If she can rub one out to the flab I’ve got going on up here, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  5. Yeah, I’m married so that would be hella weird. Plus I’m fat as fuck so it would be even weirderer

  6. Depends, but most of the time I would send one if I’m interested in her

    Because I can expect something in return

  7. Flattered that she wants to see. Depending on how well I know her I’ll either send her one directly or I’ll tell her to look at my Reddit profile. If I send it directly, I’ll probably take a new pic just for her. If I send her to my Reddit profile she’ll just see my standard shirtless/nude pics.

  8. Several things factor into my response to that.

    1. I’m not committed to her in this hypothetical. But am I committed to anyone else? If I am, then the answer is “No”. I would view that as flirting, and I don’t do that if I’ve already got a girl. There’s nothing to be gained. If I’m single, then we can check the other criteria.
    2. Why does she want it? If it’s just the girl-version of “fap-fodder”, sure, why not? I can help her out, lol. But what I don’t want is it being sent to a third party. I’m not particularly shy, but I don’t want my image misappropriated for anything. I don’t want it passed to her friends for comments and critique, or for her to post online. I once had a girl I didn’t know use my image to falsely claim I was her boyfriend. I don’t even know how she got it, but that was creepy, and if I was in a relationship with a woman, that could have been seriously bad for me. There is an implied confidentiality which I would rather make explict before agreeing to anything, even if a male chest isn’t seen as inherently sexual.
    3. If I’m still on the fence about it, does she intend to reciprocate? How far is this going? Will she be asking for photos of other parts? I’m decent looking for a guy, but I’m not real fond of pictures of myself undressed. I’d be more inclined to agree if I knew the scope of the exchange.
    4. Is she actually a woman? If it’s a girl I met in real life, I’m more likely to agree, vs some random person online. There are catfish-a-plenty online, and while I don’t consider myself homophobic, the idea of a guy wanking to me under false pretenses still creeps me out. If it’s someone online who I don’t know, I’m more likely to agree if it’s via something like mutual video chat where I can confirm her identity.
    5. In what setting? I’m a redhead, I don’t take my shirt off in the sun. I have about 15 seconds before I turn into a giant blister, lol. I’m also not keen on doing it in public. While I’m not ashamed of my body, to be seen in public as a man, taking selfies is just weird. It’s seen as superficial, vain, and not something men really do. “Hey, I’m hot, look at me” doesn’t play well for guys… you get mixed responses at best. It’s not my body that’s embarrassing, but the act of taking a picture like I think I’m some hot shit and the presumption that people should want to look is a bit outside of my comfort zone. If I saw some guy flexing shirtless for a selfie in public, I’d immediately think he was a complete douche-bag, lol. So the images, if taken, will be in private.

    I’m not saying “No” universally, but it’s not really my style, so the conditions would have to be right.

  9. Sure, I’ll send it. First time for everything, maybe she has a thing for large scars and a beer gut.

  10. Suspicious, am I about to get roasted or shared around her friends like all women do, but yet claim men doing it is an offence worthy of prison?

  11. Not happening. If she wants to see chubby me shirtless she needs to take me to a beach.

    But I don’t sext outside of relationships. I think I’m the minority here.

  12. Laugh and asks her if she is sure she wants to see a hairy chubby guy without a shirt. Want to make sure if she really knows what’s she getting into.

  13. Im worried its a catfish at that point.

    If I know her and we arent actually dating the only way shes going to see anything is in person, we can even go on a beach/pool date.

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