I have been sleeping with someone for a while and I have noticed that the day after, my back, shoulders, arms and legs (nearly my whole body) aches/feels sore after sex. This didn’t happen with my ex. If it’s of any use this new person is muscular and a lot stronger than me. I’m confused because the sex itself isn’t painful, just afterwards

  1. Maybe new sex positions that have you reeling afterwards? Does the sex take longer than with your previous partner that leaves you more tired? The person’s muscularity doesn’t come much into play unless he’s applying more pressure to parts of your body that you’re not used to.

  2. That’s muscular pain. Every time you pass through new muscular stimulations that you weren’t used to, it might hurts one day or two after. I’m a gymrat and I’m really used to taking a lot of weight using my legs and glutes. But I do like 6 or 7 movements and stop. When I have sex, I do hmm maybe hundreds of movements using my glutes to make the strokes. The day after, it’s ALWAYS aching. Even tho it doesn’t have any weight, it’s a different stimulus from the gym, so it aches. This is more likely to happen if tou stay long periods without having any movement of this kind (2+ weeks). You’re either really enjoying it and having full body orgasms where all your body flexes from stimulation, or you’re too nervous and tense, so the same thing happens. But nothing to get worried about!

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