Why, and has it changed since you were a kid?

(Of course I mean closest as in an emotional connection, and not location)

  1. My older brother

    He got me into video games, anime, he was always there for me, always included me in things like his LAN parties and hanging out with his friends, he treated me more like a friend than an annoying little sister.

  2. My mom

    I’m a single child. So naturally I inclined more towards my parents for love and care. Thankfully my mom made sure that I never felt lonely. I’m in my early 20s now and I’m closer to her more than ever because I realized the efforts she put towards being my friend while not failing her duties as a mom.

  3. Was my father but now by default it’s my mother. Not as close but hey, we’re on good terms now.

  4. It was my dad, but then he passed away in 2016. Then my mom, but when passed away in 2020. So, now it’s nobody.

  5. My younger brother.
    It hasn’t changed much over the years.
    We’re 1.5 years apart in age, which helps, cause we’ve always been at roughly the same stages in life.

  6. My daddy. We’ve always been close because we’re basically the same person. We love food and sports and hate emotions.

  7. Right now, my mom

    My dad has Alzheimer’s but I also used to be very close to my dad because he always brought and picked me up from school and stood up for me, so I started to respect my mom more and be close with her.

  8. Neither of them

    I was an only child until my early 20s when my biological baby brother came around

    …they ended up going to prison a few weeks after he was born, my husband and I have had custody of him ever since and went fully no contact after that.

  9. My mom and my older brother. Me and my grandma were close as well but she passed away from cancer. It still hurts like hell. I was close to my younger sister but she moved and her husband is kinda an ass

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