Men, do you agree there’s a place for men’s voices and concerns to be heard. Do you think there’s is an equal place for men’s concern vis a vis women’s? If so, what concerns do you think should be voiced and heard?

  1. What?

    Do you think the voice of men isn’t a thing?

    In the USA every president has been a man.

    73% of the house of representatives are men.

    75% of the US Senate are men

    Do you really think men’s voices are not heard? They literally make the laws.

  2. No. Because we have the same issues women deal with when their issues are talked about

    Certain people from the opposite sex coming in screaming “WE HAVE IT WORSE!!!!” and trying to change the subject about them and their issues and then having the gull to say “Well if you want me to care about men’s issues. How about you care about women’s issues first?”

    When THE TOPIC WASN’T ABOUT WOMEN’S ISSUES IN THE FIRST PLACE. God, these types piss me off.

    All they care about is themselves

    I once saw a dude on r/OnlineDating talking about how depressing the male experience on dating apps can be and it just was met with a influx of angry woman Redditors playing this game. Shoving sexually assault crime stats in his face to make him feel gulit for even talking about his experience online and it just became about women’s experience instead. The whole topic of the post was changed and OP was met with hate and toxicity

    (which made me think. If these people gaslight people on reddit. They clearly aren’t ready for a real relationship)

    Funny how that happens. So no, we can’t talk about men’s issues like male suicide or male victims of abuse because SOME angry women come in having the need to make it all about them and their issues (I KNOW SOME MEN DO THIS TOO WHEN WOMEN’S ISSUES ARE BROUGHT UP)

    Some people just don’t want to care about stuff unless it involves them and will try to make everything about them.

  3. I’d say it depends on what it is. There are a number or things where men’s voices are the only ones that are heard (or paid attention to). Plus, I know there are some places where men just talk about all of their issues far from the ears of women but that doesn’t mean that it’s a *good* place. I know there are a few things out there where men definitely need to be heard but in general I don’t think they have a problem being heard as they have most of the spotlight.

  4. There is a place but it’s not taken as seriously. And I’m not putting the blame on women soley here, Men also surpress other Men’s issues and voices. Matter of fact it’s worse when we do it.

  5. I don’t think it’s that important. Honestly. You shouldn’t need strangers to vent to.

    Find people in your life who care about you, and vent to them. Why do we need support groups? Talk to peers and professionals. That’s all you need.

  6. No there isn’t. The amount of TV shows that is focused on woman, Oprah, The Real, stuff like that. It has always been about women. There isn’t a man talkshow, or something like that. There aren’t men only pubs, men only gyms, none of that. Whenever we have a space to talk we are being called mysoginist, or invaded by women, or there is always someone who says; “but women have it bad too.” Like that’s the point?

    There was this [TED talk]( about a woman, feminist, that made a documentary about mens rights. She, and her documentary, was cussed out.

  7. Absolutely. **Men and boys suffer higher rates of negative outcomes in just about every part of life.**

    Just this week I read that a member of our State Legislature has proposed a bill to create a Men and Boys Commission. The proposed Commission would address the needs of men and boys, and recommend needed Legislation.

  8. I am in firm command of my life and don’t burden myself with this kind of thinking. “I want to be heard!! Life isn’t fair!! 😭” What good does it do? It’s flirting with pity parties and victim mentality and I don’t have time for that.

    I just roll up my shirtsleeves and do what needs to get done in my life, and enjoy the results of my efforts. I don’t worry about the noise, the bullshit beyond my control – I focus on the things I can do something about and get it done. It gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment and don’t need one bit of validation or sympathy from anyone else.

    Focus on what you want, what you need – make a plan and get after it! Set yourself free – set yourself above the fray!

  9. If there is such a place, I have not found it.

    So far the options seem to involve either A. a toxic echo chamber where things quickly devolve to the lowest common denominator misogynist or B. women or white knights try to shame and silence men for having thoughts and feelings that are not 100% approved.

  10. The problem is the only place for men to voice concerns are the depths of hell. That’s how people like Andrew tate got so big. He was the joker dressed as batman knowing men don’t have a batman.

  11. This question sure got a chuckle out of me. The answer is so obvious, that even asking that iz hilarious. There isn’t one. Either never existed or got destroyed over the last 100 years.

  12. I think either way, it’s a moot point for men and women.

    because at the end of the day, nobody is going to do anything about your concerns and struggles except for yourself, your family, and friends.

    being heard is pretty trivial. enacting change takes action, and having some sympathetic ears might be nice, but ultimately does nothing.

  13. Even r/AskMen is not a place for voicing our concerns as much as we would like, as women lurkers downvote us and interject their gynocentric nonsense, they can come here, but try as a man to go on r/AskWomen, and you will see how fast our voices are silenced, censored and suspended.

    Some things that cannot be heard is:

    1. Male’s opinions on sex workers, promiscuity, abortion.
    2. Paternity fraud, baby trapping, and parental alienation.
    3. Divorce courts and family courts are mostly adversarial for men.
    4. Women committing adultery and divorcing and getting rewarded for it.

  14. Who would want to care or hear? Sure, there’s always this talk about how “the toxic masculinity poisons men’s lives, and men should be able to express their concerns and emotions” – but will anyone actually be willing to hear?

    Learned better than to express emotions. People who screamed “you should show your emotions, this is healthy” proved to be the first to be disgusted by “my weakness”.

    Just do what we always do. Push on.

  15. “Men, do you agree there’s a place for men’s voices and concerns to be heard.”


    “Do you think there’s is an equal place for men’s concern vis a vis women’s?”

    No. Also there isn’t any money in it the way there is money in it on the women side.

  16. This is still very much a “Man’s” world. If you have a concern, just speak up.

    giving other marginalized groups the same social courtesy and freedoms that men already have isn’t taking anything away from men.

    My only complaint is this movement that people of any gender are being told “YOU CANT SAY THAT ANYMORE” and I think that people need to grow the fuck up, it shouldn’t be illegal to offend someone or hurt their feeling. and there are already rules and laws in place for hate speech and calls to violence.

  17. There’s no place for us – All we have is “Man up” & “Shut up”
    Our opinions and struggles are invalid.

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