So me and my bf have been teasing each other all week and earlier I just got lingerie I was going to show him tomorrow ,
But now I can’t because of my stupid period.
I feel upset Because I feel like I can’t be hot or sexy for him when I’m on my period I just get moody and I’m in pain all the damn time.
i don’t want to make him wait either because I want him to get off to me,
Not some women on the internet but he can’t if I’m on my period.
he’s coming over tomorrow and I feel so disappointed in myself for some reason.

EDIT: talked to my bf and told me he doesn’t need to see me in special clothes to see how beautiful I am which kinda made me cry

  1. Is he actually bothered by you being on your period though? There are some of us that find it attractive believe it or not.

  2. Awwww. Do you realise how adorable you sound when you type this ? I wish my girlfriend can be as considerate as you.

    There’s nothing wrong in putting it off for a few more days. We as men don’t understand the frustration of dealing with periods every month and the least we can do is empathise with you and make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. And I’m sure your bf will understand it as well.

    It’s nothing to be ashamed of and you’re not disappointing anyone.

  3. Check it out: know what is worse than you having your period? You NOT having your period. Just reschedule and celebrate not being a mother.

  4. Wife and I don’t care for full on period sex but we absolutely will still play with a tampon in.

  5. >I just get moody and I’m in pain all the damn time.

    So there are good ways to deal with the blood itself, but if your period makes you feel awful and not feel like having sex, don’t pressure yourself

    > I want him to get off to me, not some women on the internet

    Umm… that sounds to me like there are some larger insecurities in your relationship that you might want to examine. If he’s at all worth keeping around, he’ll know better than to compare his real, present, soft and warm girlfriend to an airbrushed and highly edited visual on a website

  6. It sounds like you are in a healthy relationship. That’s a good place to start.

    When it comes to things like this it’s best to figure out what you are comfortable first and then discuss with him what works for you both. Personally, I like period sex (mostly in the shower). I’ve had gf who love it because of the increased sensitivity and others who can’t relax because of the “mess”.

    Everyone is different so figure out what works for you and let him know. That is way more sexy than anything you could wear.

    Best of luck.

  7. I understand your frustration in the matter.😖 Just reschedule the sexy time, and make the next few days a day about pleasing him then. Do a little research for new handjob and blowjob techniques, you might discover a technique you hadn’t even though of, then give it a try. Good luck💕

  8. My spouse would take a shower, put a fresh tampon in, tuck the string inside and i would go down on her. Never bothered me and she enjoyed her period.

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