My bf and I have been living together. We’ve been dating for 1.5 years. I care about him but sometimes I feel like we’re so incompatible. However I want to make it work.

I am on a business trip and we’ve barely really communicated in the past 4 days. I’ve been swamped with work and I also have a face rash that’s been occupying my thoughts and concern.

He’s visiting me today and I can’t help but feel no joy or excitement that he’s on the way to see me. I’m not curious to know about his week either.

Is something wrong w me? Or is this normal after living together?

Genuine advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


I’m not excited or even truly happy to see my bf after a long business trip.

  1. Truly depends. What are the incompatibilities? Is this a common pattern for you, seen in previous relationships? Are you excited about other things, or not about anything- boyfriend included.. or is it just your boyfriend you don’t look forward to you?

  2. I can relate to this. I felt the same way about someone I dated and I cared and loved them deeply and dearly and also wanted to make it work cause he was such an incredibly good and kind dude. Those are rare. But I felt the exact same way! I didn’t live with him but I would spend 4 days at his place every week and I had fun but was always ready to go home after. But I too had a battle of compatability in my head I couldn’t shake off. It would eat at me. I think I felt close friendship but he wanted more and wanted me to move in. I just couldn’t feel what I felt once no matter how hard I tried. I did end it but now I miss my dear friend. But I was never excited to see him or talk to him when we dated either. I wish I knew how to help. I still don’t understand it even though it’s over the relationship we had on my end. Maybe living together the timing wasn’t right and changed the relationship in a different direction? The expectations changed. Perhaps you’re sick of him? Maybe if you moved out and had more space things would rekindle? Or if you broke it off? From my experience you do miss what you had for sure but nothing is all good or bad with ppl or anything. Idk I’m rambling. I could totally relate to this. I hope things get better for you. You must do what is best for you. Each choice is tough but you must trust your gut.

  3. >My bf and I have been living together. We’ve been dating for 1.5 years. I care about him but sometimes I feel like we’re so incompatible. **However I want to make it work**.

    Er. Why? It’s only been 1.5 years. Why not just find someone who you feel very compatible with?

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