Gentlemen: what have you stopped (or reduced) buying because it’s too pricey now?

  1. Exercise equipment. Maybe I’m just getting old but I remember when a good cost for weights was $1 per pound. Now I’m seeing a single 30lb dumbbell going for more than $100 in stores.

  2. I went to a Mexican food truck. Love their food. Spent $20 on a burritos and coke. I have given up that food truck.

  3. Stopped eating out almost entirely, even when we have coupons.
    Got some cleaning rags so we can minimize paper towel use.
    Adding beans to food to make them last for more meals, leading to less food cost.

  4. I noticed I eat out a lot less now and I am less adventurous in trying out *new subscriptions*

  5. Soda. Fuckin 12 pack of sprite is 8.99, shit use to be 3.99. Lawn equipment, even Walmart pos push mowers are 3-400. Gas cans 20-30 for a 1 gallon damn can?? Fast food, one damn “decent” burger is 9-10 dollars, ammo just mess around range ammo is 20 bucks for what was 8-10 bucks. Vehicles, my shitbox “fun” car 1500 bucks now? 5-6k all day long

  6. Bags of chips for sure. Use to be pretty cheap for a big bag. Now they’re like $6 or more for a small bag of doritos unless you can find the 2 for 1 deals.

  7. Haircuts.

    My old barbershop raised the price of a cut from $25 to $50. I’ll keep on giving myself a buzz cut at home.

  8. I’m getting my hair cut less than I used to. It started with Covid, I didn’t like going out so I let it grow longer between cuts. These days, it costs $60 for a basic cut. I used to get it cut 3-4 times a year, now I’ve tried to go twice a year.

  9. Drinks at restaurants. 13$ for some shitty house long island or 10$ for a cup of 14 hands wine is self-robbery.

  10. Takeout or restaurant food.

    There’s nothing wrong with it, but we’re a family of six and so even ordering pizza is at least $50. Going out to eat is $100. We can afford that, but it’s hard to justify from a “best use of every dollar” perspective.

  11. Food delivery. What makes these people thing they earned a 25% tip on top of a delivery fee when 75% of the time, something is wrong or missing. Why am I expected to tip before I even know what I am going to actually receive?


    Edit: Salty delivery drivers downvoting this can eat my ass. Answer the questions above.

  12. Taco Truck. It used to be $1.25-$1.50 a taco max. Now its $3. And some trucks started using sales tax. They never did that.

    Some fast food restaurants too. Taco Bell went up astronomically.

  13. Nothing but to begin with, I must admit that I’m pretty frugal. I rarely eat in restaurants and I don’t buy things that I don’t need (records are the exception) so although I don’t like that I have to pay more for my groceries, I can still afford them

  14. Red Bull. I love the stuff but, at the corner stores around my area it’s over $3/8.4oz can. Too rich fr my disposable income

  15. Goldfish crackers.

    Used to be 1.80-2 dollars a bag.

    Then it shot up and would jump between 2 and 3 dollars.

    Now sometimes my grocery store has them at 3.50

  16. Cut back on eggs, cancelled some subscription services, cut back on how much we dine out, take & bake pizzas instead of delivery and limit driving to only essentials

  17. Certain foods. I’ve already stepped down my frozen pizza brand twice, and the shittiest of the shitty pizzas that I was settling for just went from 3 for $10 to $5.49/each. Guess I’m only getting frozen pizza when it’s on sale now. I get the general brand of everything, now, too.

    Streaming services. Ditched Netflix just before the last price hike. If it kept up with inflation since I got in, it would still be under 10 bucks. Instead, it’s $15.49. I sail the seas now save for a couple student deals I’m getting on other streaming services.

    Food delivery. I still treat myself usually once a weekend, but it’s almost impossible to justify spending as much on “service fees,” delivery fees, and a tip as I’m spending on the food itself.

  18. Cigars…shit has gotten very expensive so I stopped smoking them which I did maybe 4 times a year. Its not worth it.

  19. Most things honestly. I used to shop and buy stuff all the time. These days it’s mostly just essentials. Things are expensive these days. Also they’re just things. Experiences mean more to me right now

  20. Apple.

    There’s other reasons as well, but the constant price-hiking is a big fat middle finger as well.

  21. I loved to get coffee at fuel stations. They have great coffee, but now i make my own at home and take it with me.

  22. Beef. It’s ridiculous how expensive beef is compared to 8-ish years ago. I buy beef very seldomly now. I prefer pork anyway, but meat in general has risen to nearly unacceptable prices. I still won’t give up eating it, but I will complain.

  23. Eating out. Its just so not worth it to me.

    1 meal can be the price of enough groceries for more than a week. Thats comical.

  24. Haircuts, I just shave my head now when it’s too long. I used to go once a month but 50 dollars was too much

  25. Booze in pubs. They complain that pub culture is dying in the UK. But i used to meet friends in the pub because i was bored. Now it’s a special event that costs a fortune. My conspiracy theory is that its the goverment’s plan to destroy places that aren’t work or home so we all stay in our little boxes, work hard and don’t trouble anyone until we die.

  26. We stopped eating out. We use to get pizza every Friday but now it’s once a month and we no longer go to sit down restaurants or fast food.

  27. Everything, fucking usd is high af compared to my country’s currency, can’t travel anywhere, can’t buy shit from abroad… smh

  28. Coffee outside the house. I’m now a thermos guy. 30 year veteran Starbucks customer so it’s been an adjustment.

  29. My 10 yr old and I got Chipotle for dinner the other night and it was $24.02!

    I got a veggie bowl and he got a burrito with…wait for it…rice, beans, and sour cream!!!

    No drinks, no chips, no extras (besides my guac). Fucking insanity!

  30. Honestly…almost any kind of food. Everything is up for a minimum of 50% up to 300%+ and it keeps going up…if this goes on I guess I’ll have to go back to dry toast I ate as a student. It’s horrible. Not to mention there were NO salary increases for the past 10+ years

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