So I (M) broke up with my ex (F) around a year ago, we’ve had some backtracks, but now it’s over for good.

The problem is that for the past year I almost exclusively think about her when I take care of bussiness by myself. And it gets even worse when I meet someone that is obviously interested in me sexually and I find it impossible to reciprocate these feelings.

I feel disconnected from everyone I meet (when it comes to anything romantic), and ungrateful since I have had quite a few opportunities and passed on almost all of them. And the one time I didn’t, I forced myself to try to move on. Which for various didn’t work.

I can’t stop thinking about her in that way, and I don’t know how to move on.

Any ideas of how to change that? I really feel like there’s something wrong with me.

  1. I have exactly the same with my previous boyfriend. It’s like no matter what I do it can’t seem to top him, like no other guys are willing to be more dominant which is what I like. I find it so hard to find someone to match with

  2. Sounds to me like you haven’t really processed your breakup fully and need to work through it. I highly suggest therapy for working through something like that. There isn’t anything wrong with you for remembering great sexual memories, it’s just making it harder for you to move on and focus on what you have now.

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