There’s a (relatively new) young professionals group/organization in my town designed for networking and socialization. I’m determined to put myself out there a bit more in 2023, so I want to attend the next mixer in February.

It will take place at a local bar that’s a little bit upscale. Drinks available for purchase; snacks provided.

I’ve never been to a bar, so apart from the regular anxiety of joining a social gathering, I’m anxious about that, too. If I were to buy a drink (likely nonalcoholic), do you pay for it right there at the moment, or is it like in the movies where there’s a “tab” you have to pay at the end? LOL.

Any additional tips for making small talk with strangers, remembering names, and making the experience enjoyable (rather than so stressful I never try again), would also be appreciated. I work from home, for a company based out of state, so I worry I’ll be out of place in a group of people who work in the local community.

1 comment
  1. Can’t comment paying for drinks, here in Australia, you pay for your drinks as you order.

    What I do is arrive early, that is, for me, less stressful, because people are coming into “my” space rather than me coming into a crowded room.

    For connecting with people, look around the room for people who are standing to the side, or not talking to anyone, and go and introduce yourself to them. I can assure you that you won’t be the most socially awkward person in the room. As others wander in, introduce yourself and your new friend.

    When you forget someone’s name, just say “I’m sorry, I’m blanking on your name”

    I find that if I use their name a few times as we speak, I have a better chance of hanging onto it.

    You said that you probably won’t drink alcohol, but, for anyone else on this thread, two things to watch out for are drinking too much because you are nervous. Always intersperse your drinks with water, and be aware of “vertical drinking” bars realised that people holding their drink will drink more, so lots of people have removed the places to put down your drink, so that you drink more.

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