I don’t know what it is but I either end up getting ghosted by pretty much everyone or I get people who give either low or no effort. I guess I should say 29yo male. People say I need to drop my standards… I’m at my minimum, must have a heart beat.

  1. Honestly I’d say you need to raise your standards.

    Drop people when they show low effort, as soon as you see it. Yeet them out of your attention so you can spend attention on the ones who give effort. Go on less dates. Swipe on less people. Be PICKY. Think of what you want in a person and go for that. Be quick to let people go if they don’t meet your new standards. Stop thinking of it as a numbers game.

  2. >I’m at my minimum, must have a heart beat.

    Most entrepreneurs find out that more people want to buy a product if they perceive value. You can sell 10x item for $5, or 1x item for $50 (same item), but you’ll have 100 people interested in the item at $50. Which will lead to more sales in the future. Once you sell to the first 10 people for the $5 item, you’re done.

  3. Standards are good, have a clear idea of the type of women you want to be with and stick to that, it will also show that you aren’t dating just for superficial reasons. If a women is giving you little to no effort, how invested are you coming across to them? If you come across as though they have all your attention without needing to make any effort themselves, there’s no way they’re going to put in any work to get your attention, because you’ll be easily available to them, and this, causes you to lack value in a woman’s eye, so think if you withhold some of your attention or not?

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