We’ve been together 2 years and things have been going downhill for her, or us, over the past few months. She is diagnosed with depression and had that mood disorder and anxiety when we first got together. I’m always trying to support her and do what I can. She’s been getting therapy and psychiatric help for many years but not many changes. I had a hard time with stress and anxiety last year but I’ve been finding ways to shake it off and stay productive and positive. In nursing school now so a lot of work and she doesn’t like that I need a lot of study time and alway wants me studying at her house. Time without her I suggest to do something more than just staying in bed. I tell her to go outside for a walk even just 15 minutes and that can lift the mood but she doesn’t even do that. Always a negative mood. Not even going on those walks with me if I’m around. I’ve started to eat healthy and go to the gym but she’s upset I changed my diet from too much junk food. She also is unemployed and applying to grad school. I know a lot of factors contributing to this bad mood and depression I don’t know what else to do. I’ve even reached out to her friends to try and support her and they do, just no changes. Any ideas for things I can still do?

TLDR: It’s hard to get my girlfriend to do anything outside, or even get her out of bed. She’s depressed, getting therapy, support from me and friends, but none of it is helping. Activities help moods but she denies what to do?

1 comment
  1. Unfortunately, you probably can’t do much of anything more. You can decide you want to be with her despite her massive health issues or you can break up and find someone else. When somebody has severe disabilities, which treatment-resistant depression is, then you need to give a lot of thought to what it means to be with them, either accept them as they are or leave. I am massively disabled myself, so I know how much it affects every area of life for myself and my partner. Deciding to accept that is a huge thing, not to be chosen lightly. So, assume that if you stay with her, this is the way life will be, and then give serious thought to whether or not being with her truly makes that worth it for you.

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