This has been happening for years now. Recently got out of a 6year relationship where this to a degree plagued our sexual relationship. I’ve gotten tested for STD’s multiple times and never had a positive result. I don’t, myself, ever really have discomfort with my penis or in that region.. but almost every time I have sex, my partner experiences intense vagial itching and discomfort. To the point that they need see a gynecologist after.
I’ve talked to my doctor about this in the past without gaining any insight to cause or solutions. Wondering if anyone has experienced this and give advice towards identifying a cause or solution.. thanks in advance

  1. Have you tried showering right before? Like literally get in the shower and go right to sex?

  2. She could have a semen allergy or if you use condoms a latex allergy. My wife found out she had a latex allergy after we got married. Got irritated from her diaphragm and condoms.

  3. Do you use any scented soaps down there? If so, it would be worth going for unscented. Also if you use condoms does it cause the same irritation for her?

  4. Maybe she isn’t lubricated enough?? Start using some water based lube and see if it is better.

  5. Some men have genital yeast infections and do not notice or have symptoms. They then can unknowingly spread it to their partner.

  6. Do you manscape down there? I’ve found that when I go a few days the growth around the base of the shaft will still feel soft in the hand, but if she is on top and grinding it’ll rub a kitty raw.

  7. I would say there is two possible situations.

    – Men can pass thrush back and forward and have no symtoms. I would suggest you and your partner both get thrush medication and protected sex for 7 days


    – Your partner is not wet or lubed up enough for sex – i would suggest plenty of foreplay and lube before intercorse to ensure they are ready as if they are not wet its basically friction.

  8. Do you use soap to wash before sex with them? This always causes problems for me. Soap really throws off our PH. Just have a standard shower on the day, then before the action rinse any residual pee off with water- should be good to go

  9. How’s your dental hygiene? Do you have a high sugar diet or untreated cavities etc. do you wash your hands prior to touching your partner there?

  10. Do you shave your cock? Stubble on the base of the cock can be VERY irritating. I would also suspect yeast: try applying an anti-fungal cream all over your cock and balls for four or five days in a row – don’t skip any days. You can use a basic athlete’s foot cream if the label indicates that it can also be used for “jock itch”. It sounds very much like you are giving your partner a yeast infection that you have at a low level all the time and never notice.

  11. Try eating organic foods only. If you are eating a lot of GMOs, you could be passing those to your partner, potentially, through semen. I’m not saying I know, for sure, that would help but it’s worth a shot. GMOs are like poison for some people.

  12. Are your hands clean and smooth so that they are not the cause of this problem? Dirt/chemicals under fingernails etc. Rough skin around fingernails that causes small cuts?

  13. Do you have the skin on you penis? She is getting yeast infection probably and what’s happening is she is treating it and then regetting it from you.
    Men often don’t notice it and it isn’t really an std. Go get conesten or monistat and put it on twice a day for a week and see if that helps and tell her to get treated too. Your just passing a simple problem back and forth. You Having an extremely clean dry gentile area before sex is really important to female health. Women are sensitive and get irritated easy if you are not clean. It’s why so many people still have the skin taken off. It’s easier to keep clean. I would try the yeast infection meds tho. It’s the same meds that women use. Ask the pharmacist if you are unsure what your looking at.

  14. As someone in the medical profession, I highly suggest seeing your doctor or a urologist to check you for yeast and/or bacteria, especially if you’re still intact. The exact same thing happened to me. My husband was intact and kept passing yeast and bacteria back to me, despite many rounds of treatments for both of us.

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