My gf and I have been having unprotected sex for about a year now. She went to the gyno a couple weeks ago and they told her she has chlamydia. The only person she could have gotten it from is her ex, so it’s safe to say she’s been infected the entire year we have had sex. Planned parenthood seems to be my only inexpensive option for getting tested, but the refuse to let me schedule an appointment and insist I come in early in the morning. I’m a full time college student with classes every day from 8am-1pm so that’s not really an option for me. But I don’t think a test is necessary in the first place since there’s absolutely no way I don’t have it. All I really need is a week’s worth of the antibiotics, but I’m not sure if there is a way to do this without a prescription?

EDIT: Thanks for all the advice everyone, I found that my university is offering STI testing for $10 if I call their number. I’m going to call them tomorrow to get this all sorted out.

  1. No doctor will prescribed antibiotics without a diagnosis. No real legitimate one anyway. Might just have to pick a class to miss my dude.

  2. Antibiotics are dangerous if used improperly, you aren’t going to get them without an official diagnosis. Does you college have any resources to help you? I know some big ones have their own affiliated clinics.

  3. PP may presumptively treat you because you are a partner of a positive case. I would call and ask. I think the only males they will see and treat at PP are partners of their patients. I think it’s hilarious that people on here think they know everything, you can get antibiotics without a complete exam. Presumptively treating STI’s has been a standard in STI prevention for decades. Some states even have programs where they give antibiotics to the positive patient to give to their partner(s)- it’s called EPT.

  4. There really is no other treatment option, and no doctor will prescribe it without a positive test. It is very important for the both of you to get treated and suspend any sexual activity in the meantime.

  5. Try the health department! Most times they can help you out/treat you for little to no cost. Usually it’s on a sliding scale.

  6. Go to a free clinic PP explain your situation they will either test or just prescribe you something

  7. Honestly my bf ex had it (years before me) and called the doctor and they gave him antibiotics without testing

  8. They can just give you drugs, they have to dot their i’s and cross there t’s too…. Her doctor who prescribed her meds, may also be able to prescribe you meds though without seeing you.

  9. Does your city have no drop-in clinics or similar for std testing? Your campus doesn’t offer that?

  10. you can also do a telehealth appointment with planned parenthood and describe your situation. your college must have health resources and that’s an option too to get tested for free or relatively cheap d then get the antibiotics. it’s important that both you and your partner get checked regularly as chlamydia can have serious consequences later on.

  11. In Canada I have had friends get called because a person who tested positive had to disclose all their partners since their last clear test. And all the partners were treated prophylactically without being tested. They just got a call from a public health nurse and they don’t even know who gave it to them.( potentially) It doesn’t hurt you to take the antibiotics and it’s a high dose one time usually.

  12. Mexican stores in my area carry it but I always ask my Spanish speaking friends to buy it, it’s otc in Mexico

  13. Don’t you have a college clinic? You walk into any ER and they have to treat you. Pay it back in installments.

  14. “It’s safe to say she’s been infected the entire year…” Uh…..she def hasn’t had an infection of that severity with so many noticeable symptoms for a year. That is not “safe to say”. Safe to say, she recently had sex with someone else. That’s what’s safe to say.

  15. get some medication online there are so many websites that will do telehealth. you could also go to your school’s health center

  16. There are some telehealth doctors that will prescribe antibiotics for UTIs, just be transparent so that they prescribe the right drug and dosage for chlamydia.

    Alternatively, you can order pet antibiotics from a reputable internet site (CalVet Supply). Just make sure that you’re getting the exact same drug and dosage that was prescribed to her. I’ve been told that military guys do this when they catch STDs overseas and need an off-the-record treatment before returning home. I’m not a medical professional, so this is not a recommendation. It’s just something that I’ve heard works. Google it yourself and use your own best judgment.

  17. I say ask your partner to mention that she has been having sex with you to the doctor. More than likely doctor may prescribe you something right away as well. It’s worth a shot!

  18. Depends on your location/insurance/practice used, but if your girlfriend’s doctor asked if she was currently having sex with someone and she was honest, they would have probably given her a “partner dose” automatically if it were an option where she went.

    Just Google what can happen if a man leaves chlamydia untreated and it’ll probably convince you to go to that campus clinic pretty quick, embarrassment be damned.

  19. From what I remember its one giant pill.. its just one day you can miss class, and at that you wont be there all day so youll only miss a period or two

  20. It shouldn’t be a week. It’s a one time dose and a week of abstinence.

    So bizarre they won’t treat you as the active partner of someone who tested positive. Is there a public health clinic you could go to? They are usually hunting down positive patients to ensure they and partners get treated.

  21. Other comments bring up universities having student resources for health services which are at a reduced price compared to an actual doctor but a lot of them also offer free std testing services events you could go to.

    You could also look into the local health department and community centers to see whether they offer STD testing at a reduced cost or for free.

    I have to ask though, how hard have you actually looked when it comes to options? I ask this cause I went through a similar thing when I was in college.

    I didn’t have money or insurance to justify spending hundreds of dollars to take an std panel (which is stupid in hindsight because your health should be worth it) and I was kind of ashamed so I didn’t really bother to really explore my options and I feel like by some of your comments and your post that you are doing the same.

  22. Look into your local Public Health Department. They should offer STI screening and treatment for a very affordable cost as they receive government money. Just got screened today myself and covered under medicaid as a broke student.

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