G’day fellas. Today is the first (of probably many) FAQ post revolving around dating.


Here’s some starter questions to focus on, but feel free to add your own in the comments. Just try to keep things on topic, we’ll be cleaning up this thread and adding it to the FAQ at a later date.


* *How do you indicate or show romantic/sexual interest towards someone?*
* *Once you receive a reciprocation of interest how do you escalate the situation?*
* *’Shy guys’ specifically, how do you show you are interested in someone?*



>!Note: pulling my hair and making fun of me until I cry is not an effective way to express interest, Caleb!<

  1. 1. I don’t, I wait for her to make the first move.
    2. It’s up to her to escalate the situation.
    3. I don’t.

  2. I often get written off as shy because I don’t approach. I’m not shy, I just have nothing to say. Even with an icebreaker, I don’t have anything to talk about with a stranger until after a certain point of familiarity.

    How do you get past this sort of roadblock in such a fast paced dating market? Where you have seconds to make a good first impression, but can’t manage one until, like, a 3rd or 4th interaction?

  3. Wear very colorful clothes , sniff her crotch , growl at other nearby males and final mount her from the back while grabbing the back of her neck with my teeth.

  4. – “How do you indicate or show romantic/sexual interest towards someone?”

    In the early stages, mostly flirting coupled with small favors and spending a decent amount of time talking with her. The flirting is what sets my behavior apart from just “being friendly”. I’ve also been known to just plainly state that “I like you, and I want to continue getting to know you better”. I’m not the kind of guy who immediately asks a woman out on a date. I prefer to befriend her, and get to know her before all of that. I only ask people out once I feel I can trust them, and have genuine interest in pursuing a serious relationship with them.

    – “Once you receive a reciprocation of interest how do you escalate the situation?”

    Usually simply by stating that I would like to take things to the next level, and would be interested in going out with her.

    – “‘Shy guys’ specifically, how do you show you are interested in someone?”

    Funny enough, it might not sound it based on my previous replies, but I’m a pretty shy individual, with severe social anxiety. For me, the longer period of getting to know someone personally, is part of that. I don’t want to invest my energy in someone fully, until I feel that I can trust them. That’s also where the subtle flirting comes in, which will mostly be polite compliments. Whether they be based on her appearance or the things I like about her personality.

  5. Eye contact is everything I feel. It tells them you’re interested.. it tells you they are not interested.. and intense eye contact coupled with excitement and laughter is your chance to “escalate”. If someone likes you they’ll use any excuse they can to look at you.

  6. If it’s someone I know already from a group I try to get her out one-on-one. A date, I guess, but not necessarily that. Just to see if she at least thinks of me enough to want to see me outside the group. And to get to know her better.

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