Thought it’d be pleasant to let ya’ll know: she just got her greencard. We’ve bought a house and have been happily married dog parents for just over a year :’)

She’s the love of my life. What more can I say?

If you feel it in your heart, follow it. Thanks to the couple peeps who took their time to give some advice all those years ago.

**tl;dr**: People thought I was crazy but if you’re crazy enough, you can get it done

Link to OP: [\_24m\_american\_have\_fallen\_for\_a\_woman\_24f/](





**Edit:** Apologies in advance for having absolutely zero shame but, since this post is kinda blowing up, if any of my US peeps are looking to hire a talented, smart, beautiful young woman with a business degree and international marketing experience with a major global company, my wife is on the job hunt!

  1. Very happy it worked out for you both!

    I would not have been so optimistic though. I know my wife’s family is from a country that frequently sees male American tourists and according to her, many parents literally raise their girls to find American men and attempt to marry them, so they can gain citizenship.

    They can then send over money every month, which substantially improves the quality of life for the family still in the country. And they can use their citizenship to help their family also get citizenship.

  2. What great news! I live near the border and know quite a few people who found true love in Mexico. It seems to work out most of time.

  3. I’m just gonna clarify some energy here, her fam is wealthier than mine by a substantial amount lol

  4. I am Mexican and he’s American. I met -my now husband- two months after moving to the Boston area for a job that was supposed to keep me here for a year. He proposed after three and a half months of knowing each other, we married after 10 months of knowing each other.

    12 years and three kids later…. We’re happily married!

    When you know, you know!

    Ps. If you guys are in MA I’d love to be friends with your wife! There are not that many Mexicans here!

  5. Man! I wish I had seen this before! You are such a great story teller. So humble, and willing to look inward. I found myself rooting for you right from the start. Good luck to you and your new wife!

  6. I went to the comments of your original post expecting to see the cynical Reddit I know and love and I just can’t believe how supportive everybody was!!

    I’m so happy with how everything turned out for you! What a fun way to start an adventure with your partner

  7. I recently fell for a guy on vacation too. We talked for a bit after I got home but ultimately he lost interest. It makes me happy to hear it working out for someone else though! That’s awesome!

  8. ¡ Félicidades ! I know a bunch of international/cross cultural relationships (including mine) that work out well. I think some of it is because there’s more forgiveness and not harping of language issues. Like phrases or expressions that might mean something subtly damning or critical from a native speaker are just never considered as such because your partner doesn’t have that language baggage. Gestures, behavioural quirks, whatever, that might be annoying from a native are just brushed off as “meh, she’s not from here. whatever.” That forgiveness eventually spills over to all other aspects of the relationship. And both partners just seem to work more for the relationship, because they *have* to.

    Obviously you need to have similar goals and values, but all the little shit just falls away so easily.

  9. My husband and I went out on one date and never spent the night away from each other again. We got married after 8 weeks. It’s been almost 4 years and I have no regrets.

  10. wholesome update

    and fuck them people telling you you were going in too strong, it would’ve been the regret of a lifetime

  11. Congrats! Glad you followed your heart instead of listening to the cynics and that it worked out.

  12. My parents met and fell in love in similar fashion. My dad (the gringo) was on a trip through Panamá with some Latino classmates he befriended in college. He met my mother by chance on a small party boat; when she *literally* ran into him, spilling her drink all over them both. They talked all night until they noticed the sun starting to rise.

    It was supposed to be my dad’s last night in the country, but (on a love-filled whim) he skipped his flight and stayed 2 extra weeks just to take her on a proper date. The rest is history— they married one year later, my mother became a U.S. citizen, and they’re still happily together almost 37 years later. They’re now living on a gorgeous island in the Carolina’s; all set to retire soon.

    These “one-in-a-million love stories” **do** happen to a lucky few. I’m so happy to hear you guys are one of them!

  13. I, a Canadian, married someone from south of the border, a Texan and it worked out awesome!

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