Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. I am reading an article now about an American company that has a project to bring the dodo back to life…genetically recreate dodos and then try to get them to breed in the ‘wild’.

    This is not a topic I know a lot about! What do you think? Is it actually possible to do that? In reality or in theory? Is it of any actual use,or just an academic exercise?

  2. Today I’m making French toast for breakfast.

    Its not something I eat often,but every now and again,I like it! What about you?

    I guess its not called ‘French toast’ in other languages…but I think something like that is eaten in some other countries (maybe not in France itself?).

  3. My co-worker is quite a successful investor. A week ago he was talking about this one company and how he was gonna buy it. I couldn’t be bothered to, just didn’t want to go through the minor inconvenience of transferring money and pressing the buy-button. I felt lazy that day.

    And now it’s already up over 10%. Like, I had loose cash and everything. There was literally no reason to not buy apart from laziness.

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