I (30M) started dating for the first time around 14 months ago (had some self confidence issues I had to overcome before I entered the dating world).

The first woman I dated was basically everything I’m looking for and we ended up dating for 4 months. For the most part the chemistry was really great and I enjoyed the ride. I would have loved to take things further with her but some life things got in the way and she ended things on amicable terms (maybe my inexperience started to show a bit?).

Since then I’ve been on dates with around 14 different women (probably averaging 2-3 dates with each and making it to 7+ dates with a few, being intimate with 4 of them). I’ve not felt a strong connection to any of these women the same way I did with the first girl I dated and I’m starting to become a little despondent thinking that was lightening in a bottle that I’ll not be able to recreate with anyone else.

Has anyone experienced similar and come out the other side in a healthy long term relationship after having dated around a lot without really being able to connect with anyone? If so how long did it take you and was there any change in your approach that led to your success?

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