I (30F) have been talking to someone (30M) via OLD for just over a month who lives in a different city. We have really gotten to know each other (as much as you can virtually), and it feels like there is mutual interest. But the communication will randomly drop off in a way. I’ve brought up how this is not something I’m okay with, and been open with how I am looking for something serious. He seems more unsure of what he wants in general.
I ended things, but left it open-ended: said to reach back out when he moves to my city (which is allegedly his plan in the next couple of months).
Is that fair and valid? I’m wondering if he thinks I’m crazy, but I also don’t have the energy for uncertainty.

  1. It’s kind of pushing it to be like I’m unhappy with how often you are texting me to someone you haven’t even been on a first date with.

    Its definitely fair and valid what you did. We’ll see in a couple months. One or both of you might not be single. He might not move. He might not want to do it anymore.

    I’d definitely go out with others until then

  2. I’m just wondering what makes you think he wouldn’t do the same thing even if he lived in your city? Obviously seeing him in person would make things slightly different, but when you’re not having a date or hangout, will his communication be the same? And will he still be unsure about what he wants?

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