Can any women here clue me in?

Graphic content….

I’ve always had a thing for older women from the time I started watching porn. And at 37, that’s kind of hard to find. But I did. She was 42. And exactly what I like. Sent me lots of graphic texts and nudes. “All I want is sex. I promise.” I was absolutely pshyced.

I finally got over. Even prettier in person. And very affectionate. Tender kisses. Caressed my face and beard lovingly. Looked deeply into my eyes. I love that. I was nervous because I hadn’t had sex in a few years. Thought I was dead from the waist down. But I fell back into rhythm naturally and comfortably. I went down on her, slow and loving. First time a woman ever came into my mouth. It shocked me. As I spit it out she is freaking out, “Oh my god I’m so sorry!!! Do you need to go throw up?”. I told her, “Throw up? I’m ready to keep going!”

She wants top. I ask nicely if she would reciprocate oral. No. Ok. She jumps on top and got super busy. Very active and passionate. I’m not a big guy. But I made her come three more times in a short amount of time, I was so glad. After she had fun, she starts trying to pound out my climax. Dirty talk, deep thrusting. But I had hit my stride at that point. And I knew I could go on and on. I grab her hips and suggest we slow down and enjoy ourselves.

Instant tears.

She says she can’t, just can’t. Stop kissing me. Stop touching me. Collapsed into me and started sobbing. I held her and told her it was okay, and that I was sorry. When I tried to get her to re engage she pulled away. She said, “I’m sorry. I just can’t.” I should have been a gentleman, but I’m a massive smartass. I replied, “Easy to say when you already did.”

She didn’t like that, but I think she understood. She tells me she’s pissed at her son for getting expelled again. She sells me his paintball gun as I walk out the door. A steal, that was easily a 120$ gun.

When I follow up through text to ask if she’s okay. She tells me I traumatized her. When I ask why she says, “You asked me to suck your dick!!!” I just think if that was a trauma trigger…I should probably know that before you let me inside you…

Anyway. Damn.

  1. Not a woman, but this isn’t rocket science. It’s pretty common sense empathy.

    Requesting oral for her was triggering. Why and how, she may or may not even know. But that’s what happened.

    You didn’t do anything wrong by requesting it, and she should’ve been communicative of something IF she was aware certain things could provoke her, but again we don’t know if she knew that would happen beforehand.

    You’re a bit of an asshole for being pissy and passive-aggressive about it, but besides that you should move on from this. Take this as a learning experience and have an open conversation BEFORE having sex with someone in the future.

  2. Sounds like she has some trauma history and if you’re not willing to deal with that, probably a good idea to not see her again. Even 42 year old women have trauma and behavioral issues. Honestly I think most might have that.. but some might be better at masking it. Maybe she just felt comfortable with you but I can only imagine how she will act when she feels even more comfortable. If you do feel like you can or want to go through it with her then it’s a good idea to be up front with her about what happened. Ask her what happened and then in a kind way let her know how it made you feel. In a non-attacking way. Though if you’re looking for a stable person to keep things light and fluffy with, she’s definitely not going to be that person. Clearly.

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