what is the worst thing about your city that many people are not ready to hear ?

  1. The weird culture and live music capital of the world has really just turned into a sellout city, trying to bank off its old image. Austin is a heartless tech city now.

  2. Las Vegas is built on you losing. For all the glitz and glamour there are countless people that have jumped off the parking garages after losing it all.

  3. “City”.

    They allowed more high-density, low-income housing. It was recently completed. Our crime blew up. The jails are full. The courthouse is overwhelmed. It costs way more than the tax revenue, grants, and impact fees.

    It’s a pretty funny “I told you so” but it is also now the city/county’s biggest problem.

  4. The people in Dallas are awful

    i’m sorry, I’ve been trying to make friends but almost everyone here has a strange sense smug or superiority over others. they are impatient and inconsiderate

    I moved here from the midwest and it makes me miss the people of the midwest

  5. I think a great many people are concerned about the proliferation of violent crime in Chicago, but there’s still a few holdouts that insist it’s racist to be concerned after you get carjacked in broad daylight.

  6. Nashville:

    -All of the lower income areas and neighborhoods are getting replaced with fancy apartment complexes and $800k contemporary townhouses right next to section 8 housing. Over the past few years, it’s started to push a lot of people out of the metro area and there’s been pretty significant issues with crime getting pushed out into the suburbs.

    -Cost of living is getting super high compared to where it was and it’s nearly impossible to purchase a home (took me almost 2 years with a really good budget) because all of these people from up north or California are buying sight unseen cash offer 10%-20% over list. It’s also overcrowded because so many people have moved here over the last 10 years.

    -Broadway is a shitshow and all its hashed up to be if you actually live here. I’m sure it’s great for your bachelor/bachelorette party but not a place I go regularly except for one rooftop bar when im there for Preds games.

    I say all that but still love it here though.

  7. That a certain group of people are the cause of a lot of issues. They make it unsafe to really go anywhere day or night. Between assaults, domestic violence, rape, hit and runs, driving under the influence, etc they are a big majority of the issue. Not to mention the diseases and thinking they deserve everything for free or discounted. Nobody wants to really admit it tho because it’s frowned apon. But you try living in a military town, alot of these dudes are shit bags. All these E1/2/3s thinking they’re Ricky Tic Recon Squirrel riding around in their slow ass bright yellow Camaros or shit chassis dodge charger/challengers walking around like people owe them shit and they’re untouchable.

  8. I’m not saying I agree with this but I’ve heard it enough to give it some consideration

    Atlanta traffic is bad because we lack a decent public transportation system due to the fact that white suburbians vote against anything that will make it easier for inner city people to get to their neighborhoods.

  9. Denver – the climate looks nice on the surface but it’s actually pretty harsh. Thin dry air, blazing sun, smoke is common, winters are sunny but long. It’s very easy to get dehydrated and just not have a fun time.

  10. No US city is set up for decent public transportation and even when they provide it the service is deplorable compared to other developed nations.

  11. Illegals. To accept someone breaking into your state and home and calling illegals out on it will brand you as some -ist or -ia.

  12. Our police department is corrupt and ineffective, and there’s not that much to do here unless you go to a surrounding city.

  13. Lima, is a horrible place in general. Generally every single other part of Peru can have it’s beauty.

    But the capital is just generally bad planned, overcrowded, full of trash and a hell to navigate. Don’t waste your time and just go directly to Machu Pichu or every single other place. The museums are nice, tho.

  14. Portland:

    Yes, the Portland Police are fucking terrible in more ways than can possibly be comprehended. That’s a Portland problem, not a police-in-general problem. Head ten miles in any direction, and the cops are fine. Stop acting like this is “violence inherent in the system” when it’s literally the one police bureau in the area that keeps open neo-Nazis on the force. It’s not liberal bootlicking to note “Gee, Tigard’s cops actually respond to fucking auto theft, wonder what they’re doing differently?”

  15. Montreal is pretty nice, as long as you stay out of downtown. The needles, oh god, the needles

  16. Not the murder capital of the world.

    Has been out of bankruptcy for at least half a decade.

    It’s getting better each year

  17. The rent is too damn high. And the people are only nice until you say “no” to them.

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