I know this question has been asked before. I already checked the past posts regarding this topic, but I’m looking for maybe pills or some meds to actually stop my body from getting so wet.

The reason I’m asking is because I’m starting to feel really insecure about my body. With my current boyfriend, I get so wet that he’s told me he can’t feel anything. This has really affected my self-esteem as it is something I can’t really control. I’ve tried stopping and using a towel, butt plug to make it feel “tighter” and the other suggested methods, but so far, nothing has helped. I’ve always practiced kegels to have a strong pelvic floor, but it also doesn’t seem to help.

He has been my first sexual partner to tell me this. With previous partners, this was not an issue, and they even told me that I was really tight, they didn’t have problems nor took too long to cum. I know every body is different, and my boyfriend may not feel a thing while my previous partners did.

So, is there a pill, medicine or something I can do to, biologically speaking, reduce the amount of natural lube I produce??

  1. Wetness shouldn’t be an issue. I mean I’m a squirter and it gets very wet and he still says I’m tight. Kegels are great, keep that up. But maybe it’s him. Is he on any anti depression meds? That can effect performance. My bf was on meds a while back and said sometimes he had no sensation, with or without me going solo. If it’s not meds then I don’t know.

  2. Your boyfriend is probably using a very tight grip when he masturbates and it makes it hard for him to feel sensation during sex. Based on what you’ve said, it sounds like the issue is on him, not you.

  3. What?
    The problem is not that you’re wet. That’s a good thing.
    Does he prefer sex with a woman who’s not horny?

    He probably jerks off too much and his dick is numb.

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