Hello all,
I don’t post here much, so I hope this all will make sense to you and could give me your opinion on this.
I started dating a guy, we’ve only been on one date so far..
He’s handsome, well behaved, very nice and we just click, I quite like him.
The problem is his teeth, he’s got very very bad teeth, when I mean bad, I mean bad bad, he’s even missing a front tooth and I just can’t get over it.. I feel really bad for it, but it’s really hard, because otherwise he’s good looking.
I asked him a lot about thinking it could help me get over it, supposedly it got that way over just a couple of years, he was trying to cure gingivitis (hope that’s correct in English) but it was too late and it got in all his teeth, when we were out I could even smell the medicine on his breath (not bad smell, just really as if he was at the dentist the day before). He said it’s going to take up to a year or two to get them fixed… but I don’t know if I’d be able to wait or get over it… we’ve been chatting as if nothing and I don’t even know how to break it off.. and I crazy?

  1. Personally I think it’s a valid concern. Just as some of us won’t date anyone with BO, or with poor hygiene. I see you’re concerned with dumping him for a “shallow reason” but if you’re not that into him that you can stand talking in close distance, making out with this person… why are you staying? I assume that the 1-2 year time to fix his teeth must have to do with dental complications and cost. Have that talk again, tell him that his dental hygiene is concerning you (apologize here if you feel like it) but that you’d be more comfortable making out with him if he fixes it sooner or later, i mean if the guy wants you & is concerned about his teeth, he should get that fixed

  2. If you’re that much put off by it do him a favor and cut things off. There are very few things that are worse than a woman being into you (figuratively, any man) out of pity or a woman that is with you while there is something big preventing her from being attracted to you.

    If a man wants to have sex with women who aren’t into him he wouldn’t date, he would go for sex workers.

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