Einstein is believed to have said “*Any fool can know, the point is to understand.*”

It’s funny, as there was a post about “*Stop planning, just do it*” posted newly when I got here.

I’ve done a lot of reading and learning in the last 12 months. My aim was to improve social skills; be more charismatic, sociable, comfortable talking to anyone about anything; being able to talk for minutes or hours and to be captivating and funny.

I know the underlying concepts and mindsets of “*Everyone is going to die one day so nothing matters*”, “*if it goes horribly wrong, everyone cares too much about themselves to remember*”, “*be interested to be interesting*”, “*treat everyone as though they are a good old friend of yours*”, “*no matter how beautiful or strong, we are all just humans*” etc. etc. I know all this, I just don’t believe it so I am still terrified.

I don’t want to be short of breath and have a racing heart talking to a beautiful girl or the big strong guy. I just want to simply not give a fuck and have the agency to care about things only when it matters most. How can you convert a know into an understanding and a belief?

1 comment
  1. > How can you convert a know into an understanding and a belief?

    By actually using your knowledge. You spent the last 12 months reading and learning. Time to start acting upon it.

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