Thinking of getting some cosmetic dentistry, has anyone got any experience with this, how has it impacted your life ?

  1. I was researching veneers as well as cosmetic bonding. I haven’t gotten any yet but I did notice there’s a name brand of veneers called Lumineers which look like piano keys. I’m guessing that’s what Gary Busey has in his mouth.

  2. My wife has! Totally recommend if your teeth are jacked. She spent close to 20K for a full set (top and bottom).

  3. Can’t bit into an apple and sleep with a mouth guard now but I’ve got a perfect smile. Aesthetically worth it, if you can afford it.

  4. I’d recommend looking in to crowns! You replace them less frequently (if at all) & (I think) will probably have fewer issues with them. 2 of my front teeth are crowns & I’m in my mid-20s.
    I’ve also had dental bonding – it’s a quick fix but doesn’t last long & will yellow over time. Your dentist will still have to scrape your tooth a bit in order to get the bonding to stick to the surface. I went through the procedure 3 times- 1st was great and lasted for about 6 years. 2nd was wrong color & I got it redone. The 3rd attempt would not stick to my teeth & kept falling off. By the time we could get it to stick my dentist had already removed so much tooth that crowns were going to be an easy step/ cure-all.

  5. My mother had it done. She just had the top teeth done and it was $12,000. It was very expensive but it made her face look 15 years younger. They did a fantastic job.

    She herself has admitted she would pay to have it done again in a heart beat

  6. I have them on my two front teeth and honestly I would not do it again. One has already popped off once (after only about a year) and when it happens again I’ll have to get a crown. Its also harder to bite/eat a lot of things. I think it would be worth it if your teeth are very messed up but my teeth were just slightly chipped so I don’t think it was worth it in my case.

  7. If you’ve got c-c-cash, you should look into getting them done by Michael Apa. Here’s a [neat video]( about him and his process.

    I haven’t gotten veneers as I have no need but I know people who’ve got them/gotten their teeth fixed in various other ways. All of them had their confidence shoot through the roof after getting the work done. Feeling confident with your smile is an awesome feeling.

    f you have decent teeth in general, I’d start with whitening before jumping to veneers.

  8. I’d only recommend them if your teeth look really bad and you don’t have any other options. I have two on my top front teeth. They started out as regular veneers when I was like 17 because braces alone couldn’t pull my teeth close enough together to make them look just right. No matter how careful I was, they would break every year or two. It’s a pain getting them replaced because it takes two visits and the temporary veneer they give you during the first visit never stays on. And during this time (about two weeks) you can’t eat normally without fear of biting or swallowing the temp if it falls out, or having to deal with the embarrassment if the temp falls off during a presentation or at any inopportune moment like that. Anyways After going through this two or three times, I opted to get full crowns instead. Still can’t bite into a lot of things and have to be super careful, but the crowns are definitely more durable and they haven’t cracked, broken, or fallen off.

    Definitely do the full crowns if you do it at all, but nothing is as strong as a healthy tooth and you’ll always have to be hyper aware when you’re biting/chewing so you don’t break the stupid things.

  9. No veneers, but did have a bridge put in on top and some implants and a small bridge on bottom. The difference in how people treated me once my smile was whole was night and day. The confidence boost is also great since I’m not embarrassed when I smile anymore. The downside to growing up with messed up teeth is I’m not used to smiling so it’s really different, but I feel like smiling more now, and that helps too.

  10. Aussie here. I went to Bali to get veneers (Aussie dentists are shite and expensive). I got 8 porcelain veneers from Bali 911 (not a great name but ignore that!) and I am sooooo happy!! Paid $4000 and they’ll last me my whole life!!

  11. I got mine when I was 30. 18 veneers and so worth it. Cost me almost $30k. I’m 43 now and they changed me. I actually smile now.

  12. My partner does and has never really liked her teeth. She also bought them for her mother. They both smile a lot more and are very confident with their smiles.

  13. I was a 50s tetracycline baby and this caused my permanent teeth to be blotchy and discolored. As a child, I thought it was my fault and I was ashamed. Growing up, I learned to smile with my lips closed, or for pictures I didn’t smile at all. It wasn’t until age 24 that I learned the truth of what they did in the 50s and early 60s. I had veneers done to my front teeth back in the 80s but they popped off when I bit into an apple. The dentist tried cosmetic tooth paint he called Rembrandt but it wore off after a few years. I finally went with porcelain crowns and man they are the best. I don’t know about the other techniques out there. Having a smile I could show made my face more attractive and I saw this change in the reactions from other people.

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