Pretty much the title. Which city do you feel is better to spend your 20s at?

  1. If I had to choose, I’d say NYC. But honestly neither. Surprisingly, it’s possible to be very lonely in both.

  2. I’d rather go with LA between those two option. The weather is better, I prefer the beach/outdoors vibe of LA vs the concrete jungle of NYC, and overall the cost of living is cheaper in LA.

  3. It depends on your lifestyle and your goals. These are generalizations but New York City has the reputation for being fast paced. Los Angeles is more easy going. New York City is a more career oriented place where you shoot for the stars. This can be true of LA but mostly in the entertainment industry. California in general is more laid back.

    There’s obviously great night life in both but the edge goes to NYC. Bars open until 4 am, etc.

    New York City is a much denser actual urban environment with lots of public transportation and is easily walkable.

    Los Angeles really is the worst part about American cities but at the biggest extreme because it’s so huge. **You need a car** and lots of people there are stuck in traffic all the time for hours a day. For how populated it is public transportation is woefully underfunded, undeveloped, and just unfeasible for how the city is designed (or wasn’t).

    NYC has four seasons and lots of people don’t like them. Summer is hot And you always smell sewer. Winter is cold and you always are kicking around slush. Los Angeles has warm weather. Lots of people like this. Some people prefer the opposite. Although lately with wildfires and the rain storms in the winter California seems to be much more unpredictable.

    If I had a pick one I would pick New York City because I feel that New York has more diversity, I think I focus on the arts, more museums, more history, I like Italian food more than Mexican since I’m a greasy wop dago, and I really love the autumn. I’m also from Upstate New York so I visit a lot and I’m more familiar with it. It’s hard to really get a grasp of a city that sprawls like Los Angeles just from visiting. From what I can gather you really have to live there first to really understand LA. So perhaps this question is best answered from somebody who’s lived both places.

    Outside of San Francisco I vastly prefer cities on the Eastern part of the American continent because they tend to be denser and older and more walkable and have more personality to them. A city like Denver just doesn’t have much of its own personality like Philly, Boston, NYC, Montreal, Toronto, DC. Even Smaller Cities like Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cleveland etc. have their own vibe to them.

    The new ones out west everything is so new and shiny… But they’re dominated by generic looking buildings and construction and highways. Everybody that lives there seems to be a transplant. I dunno. Europeans probably feel this way about every American city.

  4. I live both places. I would say NYC.

    You don’t need a car unless you decide to live in Staten Island.

    LA has the best weather but traffic jam and gas price are pain.

  5. Unless you’re making more than $100k, neither.

    Way better to move somewhere more affordable.

    Most large cities have jobs, arts, music, culture, nightlife, dining, entertainment, museums and walkable neighborhoods.

    You don’t need to live in LA or NYC for those things especially if you don’t have the money for those luxuries or to save money to travel.

    Better to move to NYC or LA when you’re farther along in your career and can command salaries that would allow you to live comfortably.

  6. LA, as long as you’re within walking/ biking distance to the coast. It’s a little cheaper than New York. And the weather is fantastic

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