Everyone regularly posts up that they go to the gym, hike, gaming, watch sports, magnet fishing etc. But what are some of the more obscure hobbies that you all engage in?

I’m recently separated, so looking for ideas.

  1. I collect NERF guns, and occasionally invite my friends over for NERF fights in the house.

  2. i play guitar (in a very mediocre way), but i jam on baritone ukulele. often in the middle of the night, i’ll purr-form mini concerts for my cats. they really love wandering in here and lying down and watching me play for them, it’s pretty great, it’s like they’re actually listening intently.

    i also collect old/antique tarot decks (i have one from about 1845) and give readings. well…i don’t “give” them, but i DO them.

  3. Drawing faces on rocks with a black marker (like this: • — • ) and putting them in public places.
    Some of them survived for 1+ years.
    I am the Rock Master. mr. Stoner, if you will.

  4. 47 Yr old male, I buy old porcelain dolls, usually for like 99p on ebay, I paint them up to be evil horror dolls and sell em on ebay for around £10- £25 each

  5. I started writing fantasy to get over an unreciprocated crush, going on for almost 8 years already.

  6. i design and draft (and hopefully eventually build) complex clockwork (and similair) mechanisms

    my current project is a drafting machine based on a kuhlman pattent

  7. I collect fountain pens, fascinated by fonts and have many books on them. I have more but think these are the most unique.

  8. While I’m pretty quiet and introverted, and easily embarrassed, I write and publish erotica. To-date, I’ve sold thousands of books to people who are using them for a very specific purpose.

  9. Trains and traveling in general.

    Orienteering, navigating a course with map and compass, more common here in the Nordics but more unusual elsewhere.

  10. A lot of states have steam thrasher clubs. Look around your area to see if you have any, most of them are excited for an extra hand a new face

  11. Car detailing. There’s something about having a car that always looks like it’s just rolled out of the showroom. Takes a lot of time though!

  12. Believe it or not, I actually like mowing my lawn, and shoveling and snowblowing. You could call it a hobby of mine because I look forward to doing these things as it’s a chance to be alone with my thoughts while still being productive. Plus, who doesn’t like a good looking yard?

  13. I like academics.
    I listen to history and physics podcasts and youtube channels.
    Currently I’m reading Feynmans lectures

  14. I do rc trucks. I get to tinker & figure how to fix broken parts. My wife just leaves me be. I’ll leave the house for hours just ripping it in random fields. It’s fun & kills time.

  15. I don’t know if I should call it a hobby, but it’s definitely odd.

    Ever since I was a kid (24 now) I liked experimenting with different chemicals around the house. I would mix them up in a cup used specifically for these ‘experiments’, trying different combinations and doses. It satisfies a very strange curiosity in me.

    Every once in a while, I’ll take everything I can find around the house (liquids, gels, powders etc.) and combine it all inside the toilet bowl, then flush it all down. I don’t know how to describe the satisfaction I get from this.

  16. Vacuum tubes. Haven’t done much with them lately, as I don’t like the idea of mixing kids with high voltage.

  17. I like to cook and experiment with different herbs/ spices/cuisines and recipes. It’s also good because I can eat my creations. The “downside” is that my housemates also like eating my creations. But I like eating with them and sharing so I don’t find it problematic.

    I like reading fictional books when I get the time and energy. This also spills into academics. I know it sounds weird but I really enjoy doing extra reading for my university course modules.

    I like to play with my hair and make different hair styles while watching something on TV. It’s partially evolved into me watching series and movies then analysing the storyline and how characters were developed.

    When stressed or feel like I need to expel excess energy I listen to music and dance. Sometimes I watch YouTube videos on how to dance a particular style. My music taste has expanded because some genres pair well with different dance styles.

  18. Hobby grade RC cars. It’s fun to break them and then repair them with an upgraded part.

  19. Jiu-jitsu, writing/playing/recording/performing music, making crafts (ouija boards and stuff), cooking, riding a scooter.

  20. I like to build everything, fix, retrofit. My tool box is in my kitchen. I play hobby shop in the evening when I unwind.

  21. Writing my own roleplaying game (along with modding and tinkering with other games and being a long time GM)

    I’ve been trying to capture the feel of mecha and boil that down into into a crunchy but not over complicated system. Turns out that’s really hard, and there is a good reason there has not been any stand out systems in that style since the 80s.

  22. Restore/redo old desktop/industrial fans from early to mid 1900s I find at antique stores. Last one was a 1950s Hunter, redid the wiring, stripped all the paint from the body and blades, used a color shifting green paint on the body and cage and polished the blades to a high polish. They work, last and look so much cooler than modern fans. The Hunter is only a 16 inch and can almost turn my house into a wind tunnel and is a life saver in the garage on summer days.

  23. Me and a buddy unironically meet up in his basement to fist fight and beat the ever living fuck out of eachother on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-5:20. I learn a few things,and he learns a few things, despite the pain it’s an overall solid 7/10 experience every time

  24. Not odd ball but I kind of because obsessed with disc golf after ending a long term relationship. Social if you want it, competitive if you want. You can collect and learn about the disc types and plastics. Highly recommend.

  25. Geocaching. Crochet. Lots and lots of men crochet and r/crochet is a very friendly place.

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