My wife and I were having financial difficulties and she ended up working as a stripper. She did for 6 months and then stopped. However she told me that she wants to go back. It was not easy the first time but I did trust her 100%. That money she made got us back on our feet.

I asked her why? She told me that there was some she messed. What am I missing here?

  1. It probably felt invigorating between the workout, the money, and the attention.

    Doesn’t make it right to do, but that’s at least part of it.

  2. Maybe the control she feels over men and the rush of how much money she could make? Uts probably all the money but as a partner im not sure i could be ok with this. Fine dining servers or bartenders walk with huge tips, at least 300 bucks cash. Its not stripper money but she’ll stay out of trouble.

  3. Wow, everyone here seems to think badly of women. Why don’t you just ask your wife why she misses it? If she says she misses the attention ask her if there’s anything you can do to give her the attention she needs. If it’s the money, then it’s the money. Maybe she wants a better quality of life. Maybe she really does miss her old friends. Maybe she enjoyed dancing, because that’s what stripping is, dancing. Have a conversation with your wife and figure it out. At the end of the day though it’s her decision.

  4. I assume this involves lap dances? Regardless, getting naked in front of strangers is out-of-bounds in a large majority of marriages. Just because you were good with it before doesn’t mean you have to be good with it now. Marital boundaries change all the time as we grow and learn what we’re comfortable with.

  5. She may be missing the sudden influx of cash. She may be missing feeling attractive. She may be missing the comradery of the other dancers. Only she knows. Reddit strangers do not know what she misses.

    If you are uncomfortable with it, tell her that too.

  6. I’d definitely not be okay with men touching my wife. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

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