Is it normal to be completely naked when giving a blowjob? I never been naked in front of someone before except at the doctors office so I’m really nervous

  1. You can be totally clothed or even wearing a snowsuit. You do what’s comfortable for you.

  2. It’s a personal preference. Do what makes you feel comfortable. There is not “rule” when it comes to having fun with each other. Personal preferences will vary widely.

    You can ask what you partner prefers but if you prefer to keep you clothes on I doubt he will turn you down.

    Side note: almost everyone has body conscious insecurities. It’s sad really that we have hang ups. Everyone is beautiful in some ways but if this is your issue, I would recommend talking with someone you trust.

    Hope this helps.

  3. There is only one thing that HAS TO BE unclothed in this situation. Maybe two if we are counting face masks as clothing

  4. I don’t know of any laws that stipulate what you can or can’t wear. Being naked adds something to it. He’s bound to touch your naked body, and that’s going to be beneficial to both of you.

  5. I don’t think so. Undress to whatever you level of comfort is and your partner will be pleased as punch no matter what.

    I would suggest not wearing anything that’s hard to wash or stains easily. It’s quite possible that you’ll get some cum on then.

  6. If someone is being kind enough to give me a blowjob, I will be happy with whatever they are or are not wearing.

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