I am(24) getting mood daily and master batting every day. At wt level it is correct to do it daily? I have some wear studied that it may good to our mental health, but it is not good to our health. Is it true?

  1. I’m thinking you’re asking about masturbation? At what level (age?) is it correct (okay?) to do it?

    Every human being has sexual urges, as this is imprinted into our DNA. Once the urges are met, hormones that make you feel good are released into your body. Some people have a higher sex drive than others and that is ok just like having a low sex drive is ok. From my own life, I started at 12. I am married, am 34, and have 3 children. I masturbate a minimum of 2 times a day and often more. If I have intercourse with my wife that day, I often want to masturbate more.

  2. I wouldn’t say they are no side effect physically, but could affect sexual activity in the future.

  3. It’s not a question of how often you do it, it’s a question of whether or not it is causing you to neglect other areas of your life. If you masturbate so much that you neglect work or school or other responsibilities then it becomes a problem. If you are ok with how much you masturbate and it does not affect other areas of your life, then there is nothing wrong with it.

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