What is a moment in your life when you felt like women truly protect and care for each other?

  1. Bathrooms in bars and clubs. I’ve been helped by total strangers and have had the opportunity to pay it forward by helping others.

  2. Not sure if this is common but I have very oily skin. I had a friend that would just grab my face and rub my smudged mascara off of my eyelids whenever it transferred to my face. It made me feel so cared for especially because so many people just let you walk around lookin crazy.

  3. Parking lots after dark. When I was about 20?, I was loading groceries into my car, this woman was parked in front of me and had her lights on me the entire time. She stayed until my cart was unpacked and returned and she did not drive off until I was in my car with the door shut. We smiled at each other multiple times. I felt safe with her.

  4. Probably when I was waitressing during the summers in uni. I worked with a great bunch of girls and we always were looking out for each other when it came to creepy customers as well the horrible guy who owned the place. It didn’t matter how long you had worked there, if you were on shift then they had your back.

  5. In the labor and delivery room. I felt so connected, protected, and attuned to the amazing women around me. Was surreal now looking back.

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