\-She gives signs of interest

\-I play dumb

\-She insists again

\-I get I little bit colder

\-She gets mortified

\-I try to cheer her up by making a couple of jokes to break the awkwardness

\-She starts to insist again

ISSUE: I just want to be “friends” / “friendly coworkers”


I’m a delivery guy. There is this one girl in a restaurant that has been giving me clear sign of interest. At the moment I’m working to exhaustion daily to put my life of track from a bad place, so I don’t have nor the time neither the energy for anyone (and I’m actually gradually fixing things). I’ve been playing “dumb/stupid” pretending not to notice the hints, just not to hurt her feelings, hoping that she would leave it alone. But she kept insisting till I started getting a bit cold (just a bit, to be clearer) which I think made her understand my lack of interest, and mortified her, because she started “over-avoiding” me like plague.

Now, with the intention of trying to “cheer her up” and also break the awkwardness that had arisen I tried to crack some jokes (while waiting for the orders to get ready). It was my way to say “I can’t, but we can still be friendly”

But I’m assuming she misinterpreted my jokes because now we are back to square one.

So, question 1)

Have I made a mistake by trying to crack some jokes in order to break the awkwardness? Was I supposed to keep it, although it would have made the interactions “unpleasant”?


Queston 2)

How am I supposed to go about this?



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